DCCC Recommends Canidates Jettison Progressive Politics or Face Certain Defeat in November – IOTW Report

DCCC Recommends Canidates Jettison Progressive Politics or Face Certain Defeat in November

Red State

Think about that for a moment. If your candidates jettison all connections to Democrat policy priorities, they can claw their way from 14 points down to only 6 points down. As a reminder, the technical term for losing by 6 points is “loser.”

For this strategy to work, the voters must be profoundly ignorant, and the candidates must lie. And even if you are a proficient liar and the voters are more stupid than usual, it is really hard to walk away from stuff like this from some of the most high-profile members of your caucus. More

18 Comments on DCCC Recommends Canidates Jettison Progressive Politics or Face Certain Defeat in November

  1. the electorate was already sick of democraps in 2016 through 2020. They cheated to get the seats they held. It’s obvious. Will 2022 be any different? If we don’t stop the cheating there is no telling how far they will go this time…maybe even crashing everything down and causing complete chaos in order to invoke emergency powers to keep control. Look at justine turd-OH! in the North…

  2. Watch for certain videos and news stories to suddenly disappear from the internet. It’s possible to lie about your record and your positions if proof to the contrary has been conveniently disappeared.


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