De Blasio Fundraiser Found Guilty in Police Corruption Trial – IOTW Report

De Blasio Fundraiser Found Guilty in Police Corruption Trial


A major fundraiser for New York City mayor Bill de Blasio was found guilty by a jury on Wednesday morning on federal corruption charges related to gifts he provided to members of the New York Police Department in exchange for special treatment.

Prosecutors showed the jury over the months-long corruption trial that Jeremy Reichberg, a Brooklyn businessman who had raised money for de Blasio’s election campaigns, used his relationship with the police for favors such as giving a woman he was dating a police escort for a trip to a nail salon. Reichberg was said to have showered top law enforcement officials with gifts, expensive dinners, and trips on private jets with prostitutes.

Reichberg’s actions were revealed in testimony by his friend Jona Rechnitz, a fellow de Blasio fundraiser who cut a deal with prosecutors and offered days of testimony during the trial.


6 Comments on De Blasio Fundraiser Found Guilty in Police Corruption Trial

  1. …it’s not just New York, @Perry, it’s Democrats in GENERAL in which corruption is the norm. They’re just more concentrated in New York City, is all…

  2. Well Supernightshade, I didn’t want to wander off into the weeds, but your right. Albany NY has a revolving door for Democrat corruption on an almost weekly basis in and around the State Capitol leaders. And it flourishes all through the states. Its just that I live in NYS and read about it in the local papers often.

  3. …I’d heard that your state is kind of civilized outside of the 800 pound gorilla on the Hudson, @Perry. Is this not so? I know, Albany’s like any OTHER state capital, but isn’t most else actually kind of red?

  4. This New York Mayor’s Office treats their prostitutes, escorts and assorted escorts much nicer than the last few.

    I’m betting he probably even had some officers take their brown bag to school for them.

    Meanwhile, the War on Women continues unabated. Mayor’s Office female prostitutes are still only making about 70% of what their male counterparts do.

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