de Blasio ignorantly says healthcare is a right and guarantees it to illegal aliens – IOTW Report

de Blasio ignorantly says healthcare is a right and guarantees it to illegal aliens

Watch as the progressives try to out “loon” one another with their idiotic words and actions. Just yesterday Gavin Newsom promised healthcare for illegals in California. Today it’s de Blasio. Tomorrow it will be some other socioeconomicpath.

One of the stupidest things anyone can tell someone is that they have a right to something that requires other human beings to fulfill.

Healthcare is a right?

Where do you go to get your “right” fulfilled if the city goes bankrupt? Do you hold a gun to someone’s head in order to enjoy your “right”?

It’s almost as if progressives are stupid and don’t understand what words mean. Well, 99% of them are. It’s the 1% that know better, and promises the stupid 99% a utopia, who are truly evil.



14 Comments on de Blasio ignorantly says healthcare is a right and guarantees it to illegal aliens

  1. Rights do not require anyone else to provide you with anything.

    The only exception to that is the right to free legal counsel in criminal cases, inasmuch as a person would not need the counsel if the state were not pursuing criminal action. In fact I think we should have one-payer legal representation before we have one payer medical care. Just imagine how that would straighten things out.

  2. Hey, all you illegal criminal invaders there is now a temporary safe haven for you in this country (before all of you are rounded up and drop kicked out of this country) “New York State”! Please head that way as soon as possible so you can speedily bankrupt that sleazy state and still be readily accessible when the round up cowboys come for you!!

  3. Here in Portland many have asserted that health care is a right.

    I often respond, “So, you’re willing to be conscripted to empty bedpans in Roundup, Montana for $1 a day?” Sputter …

    If healthcare is a right, then PEOPLE have to provide it, and the government gets to say how much compensation will be. Healthcare a right? Welcome to Roundup. Enjoy the bedpans.

  4. Too bad this idiot dosn’t get the simple fact that doctors simply won’t work for free. Because of him and his fellow ambulance chasers, they have huge malpractice insurance premiums to pay.

  5. My Grand-Dad died in 2000. Since have received 4 demands from the Census Bureau to interview him. Have supplied his current residence (graveyard) twice. Still not able to update or check their own records.
    In 2007 a lot of “Polls” asked the question of “How important is illegal immigration to enforce to you?”. Average response than was 80%. Did democrats listen? Nope, did voters, nope.
    Got a Kenyan for POTUS and still today being told since the mid-90’s there is only 10 million illegals.
    2008 US population = 304 million.
    304 million x 20% (non important issue of illegals) = 60,800,000.
    Are democrats listening now? Nope.
    Voters did,,,

  6. Good for America, only in the sense that the Left is being *so* open about its insanity…prayers that the Average American takes note by 2020 (*not* a given. SEE: midterms).


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