De Blasio slammed on social media for dancing in Times Square after saying ‘Don’t go down there’ – IOTW Report

De Blasio slammed on social media for dancing in Times Square after saying ‘Don’t go down there’


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is getting slammed on social media for celebrating New Year’s Eve in Times Square while coronavirus restrictions kept the popular, annual event off limits to the public.

“Bill De Blasio … was dancing in Times Square last night while New Yorkers were quarantined. And they voted him in. Twice,” tweeted a person who identified himself as Robert J. O’Neil, a former Navy SEAL and author of  “The Operation.”

The outrage started after de Blasio told the public to avoid Times Square on New Year’s Eve, then pictures and videos emerged of the mayor dancing on stage with his wife. more

17 Comments on De Blasio slammed on social media for dancing in Times Square after saying ‘Don’t go down there’

  1. I would rather watch him DeBallessio and Cumhole Roshambo each other in times square until one of them threw up or died.

    Look it up: Urban Dictionary if you don’t watch South Park

  2. PS. Can someone please tell J. Lo that if I wanted to watch a chicken plucker on New Years Eve I would go to the meat packing district in New York.

    No Dignity what so ever…

  3. If you did not open the article DO, if you did, go back and LOOK at it again.

    NOTE: the type of MASK she has on. Then look up certain images the IBF has ‘on file’ for, let’s say,…certain TYPES of peoples…

    And then get back to me…but then again I’m sure it’s ‘JUST a coincidence’.

  4. On to day in the Shop – The Twilight Zone The Obsolete Man.
    We are the undesirables!
    From the script:
    But their error was not one of excess it was simply not going far enough! Too many undesirables left around and undesirables eventually create a corp of resistance. Old people for example, clutch at the past and won’t accept the new. The sick, the maimed, the deformed, they fasten onto the healthy body and damage it. So WE eliminate them! And people like yourself, they can perform no useful function for The State, so…we put an end to them.

    Rod Serling Was Prophetic With This Warning

  5. @ Jethro – you are close, but dig DEEPER my friend.

    But be prepared for SICKNESS to stomach…I will not link that up here!

    Has to do with that TRIANGLE as symbols go…


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