De Blasio Unveils LinkNYC Wifi Kiosks, With Promises to Protect Privacy – IOTW Report

De Blasio Unveils LinkNYC Wifi Kiosks, With Promises to Protect Privacy

Another place to defecate in.

Bill de Blaisio makes a call on a new LinkNYC kiosk.

Observer: Mayor Bill de Blasio today rolled out the first of the city’s snazzy new LinkNYC kiosks, which will let New Yorkers connect to wifi, charge their phones, and make calls—and which officials promised would also protect the privacy of people who use it.

“Privacy is very important to us,” Colin O’Donnell, the chief innovation officer at Intersection, the company powering the kiosks, said today at a press conference beside one of them on Third Avenue. “We worked with the mayor’s office to create what we think is the most user-centric privacy policy of any public wifi network. It will never share your email address or any personally identifiable information with any third-party—period.”

Well, with one exception: the police. If you use the wifi network in the commission of a crime, your data may be handed over to the NYPD.  more

8 Comments on De Blasio Unveils LinkNYC Wifi Kiosks, With Promises to Protect Privacy

  1. So you’re doing your banking on a busy sidewalk in Manhattan with dozens of pedestrians walking right past you. Gosh, what could possibly go wrong?

    This is CitiBike 2.0.

  2. Every year at BlackHat, people set up ‘free’ WiFi base stations and ‘free’ USB charging stations – both of which hack your devices.

    Every year, idiots use these things. I’ve always wondered if it’s the same group of idiots every year, or if it’s new ones.

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