de Blasio – “What do I need to get you guys to follow a direct order? Do you need to experience consequences?” – IOTW Report

de Blasio – “What do I need to get you guys to follow a direct order? Do you need to experience consequences?”

“Experience consequences.”

Sounds like something a spelling Nazi in charge of a spelling death camp would say.

But, hilariously, he makes a few spelling errors in his emails. If anyone had the balls to correct him they would have probably been executed.

NY Post-

“I’m not raising this again: fix it, or I will [have] no choice but to find a way to penalize people. Not my preference, but I won’t have my instructions ignored.”

The emails show de Blasio blowing his top at nearly a dozen aides for failing to make sure phonetic versions of challenging words were included in his speeches and talking points.

“This is literally the 100th time I am reminding you all that phonetic spellings require one syllable to be capitalized to indicate emphasis in pronunciation,” de Blasio wrote in one furious message.

“I have no idea why you guys can’t get it. All of the folks in comms, speechwriting and my personal staff who looked at these remarks — it just takes ONE to catch it.”

A City Hall source said de Blasio’s acid emails smacked of the same personality Hizzoner displays in person.

“He’s condescending and arrogant,” the insider said. “I’ve been in plenty of meetings with him. He’s known to kick staff out of meetings.”

The source blamed de Blasio’s rages on his being a “micro-manager” who has “no confidence” in the people working for him.

“Part of it stems from the fact that he used to be [a political] operative, and he thinks he can outmaneuver his aides,” the source said.

De Blasio fired off his “100 time” email on Jan. 24, 2015, under the subject line “Kehilath Jeshuran” — a misspelled reference to the Upper East Side synagogue Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun.

“How can it be that none of you noticed the absence with the word Jeshurun. Work on quality control pls. Fix these remarks now pls. Example: pho-NET-ic,” he fumed.

 “I have raised the problem of inconsistency in providing phonetic pronunciation and in providing clearly delineated Spanish (with emphasis on the proper syllable) many, many times,” he fumed.

“And yet between all of you, you haven’t fix (sic) the problem, which is bluntly unprofessional.”

A former City Hall staffer described de Blasio’s electronic rants as “par for the type of emails he sent.” The source noted that de Blasio typically laces his messages with biting remarks such as “you are screwing up” and the “ball is in your court.”

A former campaign staffer said the tone of the emails was a pitch-perfect echo of his verbal style in addressing subordinates.

“I used to talk to the guy, and he talked down to me every single time,” the source said. “He would consistently speak to me in a condescending tone that was just offensive.”


ht/ js

14 Comments on de Blasio – “What do I need to get you guys to follow a direct order? Do you need to experience consequences?”

  1. Somebody needs to give him the Harry Reid treatment.
    What kind of sniveling crap munchers put up with that kind of abuse? Knock his block off and then go to the press to explain why.

  2. You have to figure if one of these people said in a meeting that (that they recorded): “You ought to stop fucking the people of New York and go fuck yourself” then quit and walked out (then leaked the recording) they’d become a legend. They would have to fend off retaliation from DeBlasio and his henchmen but I suspect they would have plenty of help. The Mayor is not well liked by a good of the Democrat Party as it is. It’s unlikely to happen but what a epic moment that would be.

  3. Maybe if he was familiar with the names he is attempting to pronounce, he wouldn’t have a problem. He’s the mayor, and can’t even say the names associated with his constituents.
    Start a fence tax in NYC- he hides behind his. wilhelm blasio is a bum. And tell him to be on time for once.

    A couple of elections ago, there was a business man from out of state that moved here to become (buy) elected to office. A farmer named Fred (Spread Fred!) ran against him. At a debate, Fred handed him a list of towns in the area they were debating over. He couldn’t pronounce them like the locals. Fred just said ‘that’s all I got today.’ The other guy lost, debate and election. Bigly.

  4. When you have to TALK DOWN to people and threaten punishment, it’s time for new staff. There is nothing more angering than incompetent people who screw up over and over again…….like voting for RINOs.

    If you’re smart, you’ll keep going through staff until you find people who can do the job.

  5. Abuse and intimidation are the lowest forms of management in any professional situation.

    If you look very closely at his picture, Bill has a very small tattoo in the middle of his forehead.
    It reads: future home of DNC tire tracks. He’s just not intelligent enough to run with the Big

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