de Blasio’s NYC sees explosion of bums and homeless – IOTW Report

de Blasio’s NYC sees explosion of bums and homeless


There’s a new homeless shelter in Alphabet City — Tompkins Square Park.

The East Village green space has become an encampment for the surging number of city vagrants, with many sleeping through the day amid dog walkers and moms with strollers.

“I really don’t enjoy the beauty of the park anymore because I’m too scared to walk through it,” said NYU student Christine Gal, 19, who lives nearby. “I would say it has doubled in the last six months.”

Gal added that she has been verbally harassed by “aggressive” bums and now avoids the park at night.

A parks worker called the urban oasis “scary,” saying it’s riddled with bums who have drug problems.

One woman is worried about bringing her 6-year-old daughter to the park.

“Some of them are junkies. They’re standing there almost falling down or sitting there slumped over,” the 39-year-old woman said. “My daughters asks, ‘Mommy, why are the men sleeping?’ And that’s not something you want to explain to your child.”

On Thursday afternoon, a herd of homeless people sprawled across the lawn.

Three men shared a cardboard-box bed for most of the afternoon. One haggard man ventured onto the streets around noon, leaving his makeshift bed behind.

A few feet away, hobos sought shelter under a cluster of trees, snuggling up in sleeping bags.

It was a similarly seedy scene across town at Washington Square Park, where one homeless woman spent the night in the fountain and about a dozen others camped on benches or on the ground.

“I’ve been coming here since the ’70s, and I see more homeless people here now than ever before,” said artist Phillip Solomon, 61.


16 Comments on de Blasio’s NYC sees explosion of bums and homeless

  1. In Portland Oregon the good mayor and city council decided their goal was to have all the homeless off the street. They built gummit housing for the bums, crazies, and junkies. In spite of all their good intentions, the low life population kept increasing and they could never figure out why. Seems the word spread among all the dead beats across the west. And most cities are glad to hand out one way bus tickets. It’s been about 3 years now and the city fathers still can’t figure out what went wrong. Best way to fix the problem is to make the city fathers live among the dead beats. Dead beats wouldn’t put up with that and would go back where they came from. Even dead beats have standards.

  2. “My daughters asks, ‘Mommy, why are the men sleeping?’ And that’s not something you want to explain to your child.”

    Heavens no! Never explain to your daughter how drugs and liberalism will destroy her life, like it did yours.

    Now come over here and suck yo mamas’ dick.

  3. It’s like that in most big cities. We travel a lot, and we see it in most of the big cities like San Francisco, LA, Honolulu, Seattle, so this is nothing new. It’s word of mouth as to where these homeless people show up. Whatever city hands out the most candy, that’s where they will go. Those vagrants will leave when the weather turns cold and will head to places like Las Vegas where warmer climate makes living in the outdoors easier. As long as these so-called charities keep handing out the free $hit, there’s no reason for these vagrants to clean up and get a job.

  4. It’s not just the big cities. It’s everywhere. When city councils try to pass anti vagrancy laws or anti panhandling laws, the ACLU jumps on it like a pit bull on a pork chop. Most small towns lack the resources to fight them. It’s going to take vigilanty groups to correct the problem.

  5. @TonyR – no….it’s not everywhere.

    Not where I live…..and don’t ask. It’s a big fucking secret. I got no coloreds, ‘skins, muslims, or stop lights

  6. You guys have to understand.At some point in our near future when the commies
    take over,These street urchins,drug addicts,sodomites,libtards,progtards and
    hippie-dippie’s will be rounded up and shot then buried in a big hole… Just like
    what happened in the Russia & China in the not so distant past….

  7. ‘Mommy, why are the men sleeping?’\

    Cuz we live in a ginormous cesspool, honey, that’s why!

    What’s a cesspool, Mommy?

    See, baby, a cesspool is where all the shit goes. Din’tcha ever wonder what happed when you dropped a turd and flushed the toilet, honey? That ol’ poop gotta go somewhere! So it goes to New York and every other major city in America! And the mexican poop goes to Sanctuary Cities!

  8. Late in 2013, I was all over the Internet predicting that New York City would return to the way it was before Giuliani and Bloomberg stepped in to clean up the mess. Remember squeegee men? 2,000+ murders per year? Not going out on a Saturday night because the streets were just too scary?

    Well, damned if I wasn’t right. But libs don’t listen to me because I’m an evil, greedy, capitalist. Oh, and racist too.

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