37 Comments on DEAD McCAIN

  1. He has been doing this for his entire time in the Senate. Somebody should send the Repub’s a box of golf balls so they would know what real balls feel like.

  2. Just for fun, Trump should have Mattis send McCain a letter formally announcing the reopening of a full Court Martial to determine Captain McCain’s criminal responsibility for the violent deaths of 130+ shipmates burned alive, and the loss of Tens of $Millions in warplanes and vital equipment in a war zone.
    McCain should be informed that his Passport is cancelled, pending verdict, and that in the meantime the Pentagon wants all his medals returned within 48 hours.

    That ought to give McStain something to think about while he pukes in Chemo.

  3. @Rufus – I got a good laugh from your Mars Attacks! comment. Then it made me think that since Wet Start’s head is the diseased part, maybe a nice healthy chihuahua head should be grafted onto his body. It’d be interesting to see who’d notice.

  4. Is he really getting chemo? Obama don’t care would deny chemo for a person his age.

    Oh please President Trump, make Congress and their 20,000 (actual number) employees use Obama don’t care. You know how they got out of Obama care – they classified themselves as A SMALL BUSINESS. I’m not making this up.

  5. The reason some of us (me especially) admired McCain in the beginning was because of “fake news.” The media covered for him.
    They never explored the Forrestal fire, the wet start, and the deaths of 146 sailors. He was whisked off the Forrestal, presumably by his father Admiral McCain, before an investigation was completed.
    There are those who say that he would not have survived on the ship.
    The fact that graduated bottom of his class, had a DWI, and was known as a wise ass, was not reported in the MSM
    The fact that he crashed five jets was never reported.
    When he was shot down in Vietnam it was reported that he was beaten by the Vietcong and severely injured. Others say it was an improper ejection that caused his injuries. The “Songbird McCain” story reveals that he was not treated badly as the MSM would have us
    He was portrayed as a hero and I believed it. Now I know I was hoodwinked, as many of were, by fake news.
    I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I now feel that the rise of McCain paralleled that of Obama. Nothing untoward about either was ever reported
    to us: The Manchurian Candidate.

  6. Everyone better hope this asshole doesn’t die right away. He dies the asshole will through a states sponsored funeral fit for a king. Which will hurt the Trump agenda. Best he just goes someplace and slowly rot.

  7. How many “incidences” was he involved in (caused) and how many dead and injured resulted?

    Did he ever help the victims of these disasters or their families in either a governmental or personal capacity?

    I wish I were an investigative reporter and knew how to do this.

  8. oolook: Google Senator John McCain on POW/MIA Legislation. Find article in The Nation Sept 2008 by Sydney Schanberg. Many other stories on his antics shielded by the press.

  9. The old turd doesn’t need health care as he has multi millions of dollars cash from his participation in the Savings and Loan debacle! It pays to be an elected official!

  10. uncle al – you’re probably not my real uncle al, who lives in winter haven, florida….or are you?????

    thanks for introducing us to the last ditch….cool stuff!!!

  11. The picture reminded me of an admiral in a startrekthenextgen episode – aliens creep in at the base of the brain and take over, the giveaway is the small tail sticking out from the skin.

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