Phillips — who until Saturday represented his state’s 3rd District — bared his frustrations in the interview. “Right now, we are totally devoid of leadership. We are rudderless. I don’t know which Democratic Party member my colleagues would point to as the leader, de facto leader, and absent that, I don’t see much, frankly, happening,” he told Politico. – Daily Caller.
8 Comments on Dean Phillips Slams Party For Prioritizing ‘Tenure Over Talent, Identity Politics Over Pragmatic Problem Solving’
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WTF is this fool talking about? “Sound policy”?… Like transing kids and flooding the US with turd world criminal gangs? The democrats clearly know what sound policy is because how else would they manage to do the polar fucking opposite EVERY SINGLE TIME?
The democrats problem is that they are evil, demonic motherfuckers. And most of the country knows it now.
Don’t help them with advice. Not that they would take it, but just in case
Stick with Obama. That’s the ticket. He can’t possibly be a 4-time loser, right?
Their “solutions” have FAILED everywhere they have been tried. And all the rest are the REASON we have the problems in the first place or made them worse.
They’re probably looking for the next mass hysteria event.
Get everybody locked down, in front of their TV’s, for reprogramming.
Congress critters have two goals on their agenda: (1) get elected, and (2) get re-elected. That’s it.
In terms of primarily getting re-elected, these politicians usually rely on a strategy that is a couple of thousand years old; bread and circuses. Make sure the masses aren’t starving to death, then entertain them. Attacking the other branch of the uniparty is one form of entertainment, as is having members of Congress act like buffoons on occasion. Make it simple, and feed the captive press with relatively unimportant stories they can perhaps understand.
Finally, focus on issues that really don’t affect that many people. LGBTQ people are a very small minority of our population, and the number of transgender-confused folks is even smaller. I care about the mutilation of minors, but other than that I don’t even think about these issues much – and I suspect much of America feels the same way. Congress huffs and puffs about these side issues, but really does nothing.
The one thing that does bother me about the uselessness of Congress is their habit of deferring the tough issues to other branches. Immigration laws, and the lack of enforcement of the same, has been deferred to the executive branch. Abortion has been deferred to the judicial branch. Members of Congress know that the President can serve, at most, two full terms and that federal judges are appointed for life; Congress must run for re-election every two or six years and must therefore avoid any tough decisions or positions.
The democrat party is more corrupt than the GOPe and even more entrenched.
@ Anonymous MONDAY, 30 DECEMBER 2024, 13:06 AT 1:06 PM
That’s debatable.