Dear Abby, Mom’s Body Piercings Are Becoming Targets Of Ridicule – IOTW Report

Dear Abby, Mom’s Body Piercings Are Becoming Targets Of Ridicule

belly pierce heart

Yahoo: DEAR ABBY: My sister and I have no interest in body piercing (except our ears), but we have seen it on friends and are not impressed. However, our 44-year-old mom got her nipples pierced and has started wearing jewelry there!

Our parents are divorced and she’s not in a relationship right now, so it’s not to impress a man. She says she did it to feel good about herself, which makes no sense to us. She takes off her top to show her female friends when they come over, and we can see them literally roll their eyes, but she doesn’t seem to notice.


25 Comments on Dear Abby, Mom’s Body Piercings Are Becoming Targets Of Ridicule

  1. I have yet to talk to a man that really thinks body piercings and tattoos are sexy. And anyone who has ever gotten an ear ring ripped out of their ear while ‘making whoopee’ will know why I don’t like piercings at all…..

  2. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you. I’m shocked anybody still reads Dear Abby. Actually I thought she had passed on to the big Gossip Column in the sky.

    Having said that this woman sounds like my youngest sons girlfriends mother. I keep telling him “Like mother like daughter”.

  3. Yes, we men prefer that the hardware store and the bedroom be separated enough that we can tell them apart.
    As to Tats, a small thing out of the way is acceptable.
    When the topic came up with my daughter (I am a car guy) I asked her. What kind of car is more likely to have holes punched in it and doodads hung off of, a Lamborghini, or a beater?

  4. Tats and hardware are proof positive owner has ZERO to very low self esteem. Most just make we wanna puke. Really prefer the way the Good Lord presented them. Thank you very much. After 35 years in the Service, I’ve yet to talk to one person who does not regret the mistakes made while liquored up in a foreign port.

  5. Dear MJA. Hear is a Dear Sean in Ireland. He fixes everything.

    Dear Sean,
    I am very frustrated. This morning I got up at 7 to go to work, Tim, my husband was still asleep and I didn’t want to wake him ,so I was very quiet. He is on the dole and hasn’t worked in months ,poor fella. He got home very late last night and very drunk, so I was quiet as a kitten. I made a pot of tea for him and I left the house . I had to be at work in the mill at eight
    About half a mile down the road the chain fell off my bike. It was very cold and I couldn’t put it back on so I walked it back to the house.
    When I entered the house Tim was bucking my neighbor Nellie in my bed. What should I do? Shelia.

    Dear Frustrated Shelia.
    Not a problem Hon. Take the bike into the kitchen, where it is warm. Turn it up so it rests on the handle bars and saddle. With a 5/8 spanner or wrench release the back wheel. and pull the wheel back so the chain is snug, not too tight, and not too loose.
    Have a great day, Sean.

  6. What ‘they’ don’t get is that to be rebellious and part of the underground counter culture today you are tattoo and piercing free, conservative and not into craft beers.

  7. I was so skeptical of piercings that it took me until 2003 to get my ears done. (Victorian-style “chandelier” earrings were big that year, and I just couldn’t resist.)

    Having just gone through a very annoying and painful infection in the right hole, I am rethinking my commitment to maintaining even this minimum level of piercing

  8. One earring is cool, if conservative. NOT gauges, hoopties, ect…

    Two is OK, but pushing it.

    As a woman, the very thought of shoving a metal rod though my (sensitive) nipple is cringe-worthy! OUCH, and EWWWW!!! I can’t imagine what the guy must think!

  9. My son learned the hard way after he had his tongue pierced that it wasn’t a good idea about 15 years or so ago. He also had blue hair like a Smurf but that’s another story. When his tongue got infected and he had to go the Emergency room his Doctor was my brother in law and his namesake. Boy did he ever get it from his Uncle, he hasn’t done anything that stupid since his Uncle the Doctor read him the riot act and threatened to pull the stud out of his tongue with a pair of pliars. His Superman logo tattoo on his chest is another story as well that hopefully will remind him of his youthful stupidity when his kids ask him why he thinks he’s Superman.

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