Dear Left, anything you dig up on a conservative cannot be used against them. They’ve evolved. – IOTW Report

Dear Left, anything you dig up on a conservative cannot be used against them. They’ve evolved.

MSNBC has completely absolved Joy Reid because “she’s evolved” since her hateful and bigoted posts on her blog were unearthed.

Has she “evolved” since she lied about calling in an FBI investigation to look into her claim that her site was hacked?

Has she “evolved” from being a liar just one month ago?

Just wonderin’.


18 Comments on Dear Left, anything you dig up on a conservative cannot be used against them. They’ve evolved.

  1. @LocoBlancoSaltine Give Mitt a break. He HAS evolved. Now he puts the dog crate (with the dog in it) on the little cargo carrier attached to the receiver hitch on the back of the vehicle….instead of putting them on the roof.

  2. Like bloody hell Democrats have evolved, if anybody has seen any less anti-Catholic bigotry from them since their Klu Klux Klan days it is a well kept secret… and their anti semitism is worn like a badge of honor by the vanguard of their ranks these days.

    Doubt me? Go to Freeattle or Protestland and find out EXACTLY depths what the Democrat Party vanguard is plumbing today. The Democrat Party is the Party of unabashed and unrepentant bigots.

  3. An obnoxiom provided by a fopdoodle and deviousest

    Translation: Objectionable content not based on anything of substantive merit except for a subjective opinion driven by extreme political bias from someone of little significance, but more devious than anyone else.

  4. Webb Hubbell has mated with other species before. Why not some boon from the Planet of the Apes?? It would explain alot.

    To LIB Media– I don’t have a TV show or a Twit account to cancel sooooooo, PISS OFF!

  5. So, Joy tweeted these hateful things at about the same time as Donald trump made his grab ’em by the pussy comment. So why is she allowed to evolve but the president is held accountable.
    Rhetorical question; I already know the answer.


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