Dear Mr. President, God’s Got Your Back – IOTW Report

Dear Mr. President, God’s Got Your Back

15 Comments on Dear Mr. President, God’s Got Your Back

  1. Donald J Trump does not currently require Gods help. Not saying it would hurt. However, he has these bastards set up five ways from Sunday. WTF? Pull the damn trigger. I’m starting to wonder if some one isn’t holding a family member hostage. PULL THE TRIGGER. DO IT.

  2. Comment seen at the link:

    Sassy ass Cindy
    Why can the FBI verify DNA in one day in Nashville – but it takes 2 years on Hunter’s laptop???

  3. I know what you are saying BB, but we all need Gods help. Now. He knows and cares about us.
    If the left gets their way life for the whole world will change for the worse.
    What is a big wake up call to us is the courts going along with this sham all the way to the top.

  4. We know each day that PDJT gave us only his very best.

    The alternative: A man who can’t sell shoes without sniffing customers hair

    and a woman who can’t manage a 7-11 or work the night desk at Ramada Inn.

  5. Pastor Greg sounds like a good man, would love to be one of his flock, but he suffers from Lin Wood-itis and is delusional when he says that Trump will stay in office and serve 4 more years. What Constitutional mechanism exists that will provide this second term? And if you are putting all your eggs in the Insurrection Act Basket, I suggest you go vegan. If he was going to go this route, it would have happened already.

    And a question for all the Christians here; What makes you think a second Trump term is in God’s plans for this nation? Just maybe what I want, and what you want, is not what God wants.

    I know a few Christians who are not politically driven but spiritually driven, and personally do not like Trump, they don’t like his deceit, his arrogance, his past in being unfaithful to his wife and separate themselves, their focus on salvation with the worldly calamities which will lead to it’s own destruction.

    God wants us humbled, sober, and looking/relying on him for guidance, IMO it is premature and arrogant to say God is on Trump’s side and will give him a second term, maybe, maybe not.

  6. @ Rich
    Somewhere along the line president Trump has had a change of heart in his life, that is evident by the fruit of what he has done for this country. And that he stands in the way for now.
    The alternative is really too horrifying for most people to contemplateb.
    With total control of everybody on the planet at stake.
    Digital money with the power to control worldwide to shut you off from buying or selling. They want to own everything including what you say, keeping you so busy trying to get food on the table and a place to live that you have no time to object. Digital social credit system 2.0 will be on its way. No freedom and no rights.
    They don’t have this in the bag yet. They’re already destroying people and businesses with a pretend pandemic.
    If the business you are in gets caught violating their rules you get shut down and fined. As many people that are in on this, the politicians and elite this.
    Could this be the moment where it rolls back on them.
    If the people stand up before it’s too late.
    How is up in the air, but better happen soon.
    In the end we win, that I know.

  7. If anyone here does not believe that God can do whatever God wishes to do, whenever God wishes to do it — then your understanding of God Almighty, Abba, The Light, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Lord of Hosts, Ancient of Days, Father, Elohim, El-Shaddai, Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, and the Great I AM, is vastly misunderstood. The God who parted the sea, who made blind men see and lame men walk, whose very thoughts created the universe, is certainly capable of rearranging the outcome of a puny election. Remember this: God is outside of time; our “emergency” of linear time does not enter into the realm of God.

    (And BB — Yes, Trump does need God. Who revealed all the things that you mentioned to Trump in the first place?)

  8. …the real miracle will be for God’s people to turn away from their sin and to remain faithful in the face of the boldness and (apparent) success of evil. Despair cannot be in us. It is a manifestation of faithlessness. Do not listen to or consider the thoughts of those who want us to share their anxiety and despair; it is more contagious and infinitely more destructive than a pandemic.

  9. @Toenex

    It is my fervent hope that you are right about Trump’s conversion, we welcome ALL to know God’s grace and embrace salvation, and I [try] not to question anyone’s “faith”, no one truly knows what is in a man’s heart except himself and his maker. But here is where I differ from most here, Trump’s commitment to his faith has absolutely nothing to do with God’s ultimate plan for this country. Yes, we would like to think that the most deserving will always triumph, they don’t.

    Of course the thought of a Biden presidency, along with majorities on both houses, is a nightmare of biblical proportions, but if God wills it, we will abide and suffer through it.

  10. God does not “have this”. God does not do politics. God gives direction to those who pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance, and helps those who help themselves and take action.

    In 1952, my mother joined the Marines. We are a military family. She raised us to abhor what she called lazy praying. That’s what her family members in “the old country” when they were trucked to Siberia.

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