Dear Parkland Activists: You Admit to Bullying the Shooter, But Have the Gall to Blame Guns and the NRA? – IOTW Report

Dear Parkland Activists: You Admit to Bullying the Shooter, But Have the Gall to Blame Guns and the NRA?

LWC: Dear Parkland Bullies,

We interrupt your national, media-sponsored cryfest for a brief and simple lecture. No notes needed, I’ll provide.

Over the weekend, one of your comrades, Emma Gonzalez, admitted to “ostracizing” the Parkland shooter. As early as middle school. In an event where you, her, and all your other weepy, whining cohorts marched against the Second Amendment rights of Americans who had nothing to do with the events in Parkland. Not only did Emma admit to ostracizing the shooter, she wasn’t sorry for it. An interesting development considering how the young man “turned out.”

Meanwhile, all of you students-turned-activists are blaming the NRA, legal gun-owners, and in some cases Marco Rubio for what happened in Parkland.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Lemme break it down for you:

If you’ve admitted, as Emma has, that you ostracized the shooter as early as middle school, you’ve admitted a person, not the tool used, is responsible for the shooting. Specifically a person you made to feel excluded (more on this later).

If a person is responsible for his actions, as the shooter is, then a group of opportunistic anti-gun shills actively campaigning against a group which had no involvement in the shooting (the NRA), is irresponsible at best, malicious at worse. Some might say you’re engaging in bullying tactics.

Seems to me if anyone played a role in the shooter’s motive, if anyone contributed to the shooter’s actions, neither Marco Rubio or the NRA is to blame.

Am I blaming you for what the shooter did? No. Even if someone is bullied into a spiraling depression that may lead to suicide, a person’s actions are ultimately their own. See, unlike you, I believe people are responsible for themselves.

You are responsible for your actions. The shooter is responsible for his.   keep reading

16 Comments on Dear Parkland Activists: You Admit to Bullying the Shooter, But Have the Gall to Blame Guns and the NRA?

  1. oh man … this is a keeper!

    “If I had to guess the motive behind his shooting, it wasn’t that students rallied in a group to march against bullying, to march for kindness. No, it’s that he hated you, the students. The same students who made him feel less. For years.”

    Bingo! … own it, twatwaffles … eat it up w/ a great big spoon … yum, yum!

  2. Cheese and rice! What is all of this bullying shiite? What fun would it have been growing up without ass-whoopin’s for (stoopidly) wearing my Momma-made Nehru jacket to skrool????
    I do not think that I ever bullied anyone. I was sometimes on the receiving end of it. BUT, people who commit suicide or perpetrate murder and mayhem are generally (IMO) mentally unstable. Bullies eventually get the comeuppance, and back in the day most of us survived.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The whole idea of being bullied is foreign to me. I never considered that some kid giving me a hard time was bullying me. I always considered it as some kid picking a fight with me, and that’s what he got. My dad taught me early on not to put up with it but rather to hit him in the nose as hard as I could and keep on punching. People are raising their kids to be victims.

  4. So, they bullied the shooter, now they’re bullying the NRA and the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Hmmmm, some people never learn. Poke the bear, go ahead.

  5. You see this fiend’s face as he was being cuffed after the shooting? There was something obviously WAY OFF about this kid. Which makes the failing of all the government agencies all the more grotesque. The kid’s face literally screams out, “I’m psychotic!!”

    He was an orphan from God knows where. From the look of him, maybe Eastern Europe. And what was going on in Eastern Europe at the time of his birth — rampant alchoholism. The fiend had Fetal Alchohol Syndrome is my guess

  6. My amigo chased me with a Giant “Kelp Bubble” trying to whip me on the Beach of course,and at night (kids) he missed me twice and I got it, then Whipped his ass so hard he had a welt for a month !
    I was clearly the Asshole, oh and the Kelp Bubble was forgotten exept for knowing what an effective weapon it was.
    We didn’t try to ban Kelp !!!

  7. I have no sympathy for the killer but I hope his lawyer brings up every one of these bullies names during the trial. “Let the record show that Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg with malice aforethought….”

  8. The Demoncrat leftist teachers and administrators educated our kids to be socialist, progressive, snowflakes, and entitlement whining Nazis who ostracize and bully those who don’t believe as they do.

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