Dear Sane Democrats… – IOTW Report

Dear Sane Democrats…

Townhall: Dear Sane Democrats,

As a conservative, I have some questions I’d like to ask you. I don’t mean this in a hostile way at all. I’m genuinely curious about the answers, even if some of them are phrased in a way that may come off as hostile or offensive. I assure you, the inquiry behind each of them is serious, and I’m hoping some of you might be able to help me understand what you’re thinking.

We always hear the political left tell us, “It’s time we have a serious conversation about” whatever it is Democrats want to push at that moment. But every time a conservative tries to engage in that “serious conversation,” it immediately devolves into demands for acquiescence or name-calling. This might work with other leftists, as evidenced by viral videos of liberal adults kneeling to activists and apologizing for their “white privilege.” But conservatives have self-respect and a brain, not to mention coming in all colors of people, so that’s not going to happen. A person’s life is what they make of it – a lifetime of telling people they can’t succeed because of the color of their skin is going to have an impact. Everyone fails. Everyone falls down. How you handle it and get back up determines your life’s direction…unless you let something else determine it for you.

When teachers, civic and religious leaders, and politicians tell someone from an early age not to try, that they can’t get ahead no matter what happens because of something beyond their control, what impact do you think that has on a person? When they get yelled at or fired (as we all do) or don’t get a job they wanted (as we all do, too), will that idea beaten into their heads since birth that it’s the system keeping them from what they want — rather than the idea that there might’ve just been someone better suited for the job, or maybe they just weren’t very good at that particular job — ever occur to them? If it’s the latter, they can work to improve themselves. If it’s the former, you can see why people get angry, give up, and blame “the system.”

And, consequently, vote for Democrats.

23 Comments on Dear Sane Democrats…

  1. When democrats turn Minneapolis into Mogadishu in a week, where does such a conversation begin?

    Scroll down past the phony videos and links on Gateway Pundit to watch this video.

    It’s sickening.

    Sorry. I don’t think philosophical discussion is even on the table at this point.

  2. that would be trying to reason with the same people who declare CO2 a pollutant and say it is killing us, then they put it in coke a cola, call it ‘the real thing,’ and drink it.
    Same people who loot/steal nike sneakers or iphones, which were made by slave labor in china.
    I don’t know how their brains work, if they even really do.

  3. Is there such a thing as a sane democrat? Sane and being a democrap are mutually exclusive. A lot of us were democraps (I was) when I was younger but as I got older and more wiser I became sane enough to see thru their lies and bs, at least I did about 1985 or so. Being married and having kids will do that for you as well.

  4. I have a friend, a staunch conservative, that moved from Northern California to Sabine (I think). He lives on Toledo Bend. He tells me just about everybody there is a registered Democrat, but the all vote Republican. Something about their entire damn family tree were registered Democrats so they just stuck with it. If these people exist maybe they are sane Democrats.

  5. @geoff was quicker than me. 1985 I was a single guy looking to lay pipe.

    It took me finding a steady and moving to cape cod Massachusetts (geisenhundtite) in 1990 to really understand what liberal utopia meant.
    I left in 1994 a totally changed person, delaying my departure for a week, hoping a bold, charismatic conservative could defeat Ted Kennedy for Senate.
    This guy was saying all the right things.

    This guy’s name was Willard “Mitt” Romney.

    I apologize.

  6. This is the party that declared white working class men were not worth their time. They are angry and only stoke divisiveness and hatred, There is no way to have a conversation with these people they just need to be defeated every election.

  7. The sane democrats are voting for Trump.
    They’re just not saying anything about it!
    The other democRATs have been developing a herd mentality and indoctrinating our kids with it for decades! Trying to have a cogent, conversation with them gets shut down pronto ASAP with them almost right off the bat then they resort to screaming and calling you a “fucking racist”. Hell, any more these days even if you don’t overtly vocalize support of BLM you get called a racist!
    So much for your questions and so much for Freedom of Speech! That’s been intimidated, murdered and tossed into the dumpster along with the Truth! You can’t ask them questions without getting Leftist rhetoric and illogical emotion!

  8. Actually. In Louisiana it used to be so solid Democrat that if you didn’t vote in the Democratic primary you would not get to vote at all. All conservative or Republican voters just registered Democrat. That is no longer true but mast Republicans didn’t bother to re register

  9. My sister is one of those “sane” Democrats who claims President Trump is a racist, narcissistic evil buffoon. She patiently “listened” to me while I explained “why in the world” I would vote for Mr. Trump, not only once but twice.
    I gave her all the facts I could think of why he isn’t any of the things she claimed and how he supports black Americans, (since we’re black), more than any U.S. President in history

    She admitted she hadn’t heard of many of the actions Mr. Trump has taken for the betterment of the country and Americans. Still, after a lengthy discussion, she held onto the Democrat scripted lie – Orange Man Bad.

    Sure, so called “sane” Democrats will hear, not necessarily listen to conservatives, BUT, they are too brainwashed, fearful and dense to recognize the insanity of voting as a Democrat – supporting policies that are meant to destroy their autonomy and very existence.

  10. It is pathetically simple….there is NO chance of having a dialog with brain-dead liberals.

    As a side note….it’s encouraging to know a large number of blacks are waking up to the horrors of the democrat party.

  11. I used to be a Democrat way back in the day . I know, I know, say it isn’t so Miss Kitty.

    The Clinton’s caused me to switch parties, and the reasons are too numerous to list. I actually consider myself a Constitutional Conservative, because the Republicans tend to get on my shit list anymore too.

    Ronald Reagan once said, ” I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left me.”


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