Death Camps for Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Death Camps for Trump Supporters

The left eventually reveal themselves.

PATCHOGUE, NY — Multiple fliers have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue reading “Death Camps For Trump Supporters Now!!!”

Pictures taken over the weekend and obtained by Patch showed two fliers hanging across the street from Stanley’s Bedding Furniture on East Main Street, between Maple Avenue and North Ocean Avenue. 


all too much

23 Comments on Death Camps for Trump Supporters

  1. They already exist…it’s called the WORK PLACE where we go to support all you low life lazy fux that want us to support your asses! We’ve been there for years since demo’fucking’cRATS have been in power!

  2. Death camps, concentration camps, it’s the same thing. It’s called projection folks. Everything – and I mean everything – the progressive statist liberals accuse us of, they themselves do. It’s uncanny, and the progressive mouthpiece media enable it to go unchallenged.

    It is most definitely going to get ugly.

  3. I’M 65 now & had a good life,,
    come now and YOU will know DEATH
    before I goto the CAMP.
    BTW= Are they going to send those mentals
    from the socialist Demorat gathering
    to round us up ??? HAhAhaaHahahAAA…..

  4. The Jews of Germany were unarmed. And many of their progeny have learned that lesson. If these clowns think we all will ‘stack arms” and then be marched off quietly to their Death Camps they have another thing coming. The lessons of Edson Range stay with me, I can still shoot.

  5. We always knew they were retarded… but now we know they are certifiable. Like that moron Stephen King and his Secret Window, and his fucking Fornits. The dude writes about insanity because he’s fucking insane.

  6. Crappy marketing. If I was running a death camp…I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t advertise it as a DEATH CAMP.

    On a completely unrelated note, I am proud to announce I’m opening a “Chakra Alignment Center” exclusively for Democrats.

    Ask about our family rates.

  7. You guys are ignoring the threat. Whistling past the grave yard. Has anybody strayed past this place to read the current news? Good luck to you. Your gonna need it.

  8. Bring it! Just bring it! Like Seldom Seen, I’ll have a smile on my face. But, since I won’t be waiting on my front porch, you won’t be able to to see it or me until at least “some of the results are in”.

    Cheers from Nolackaloonies, MT…

  9. I don’t whistle very well, but your government taught me how to break shit. Pretty sure I know what threats are. Don’t read much went to public college.
    Have a good evening

  10. Corrected quote. Groteschele, a Jew, responds to liberal Gen. Black’s assertion that allowing the bombers to continue to Moscow, without recall, is not self- defense but murder:

    “Where do you draw the line once you know what the enemy is? How long would the Nazis have kept it up, General, if every Jew they came after had met them with a gun in his hand?”

    Black weakly replies that Groteschele is no better than the Nazis he learned to hate.

    Sound familiar?


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