Death To Moronic Leftists – IOTW Report

Death To Moronic Leftists

This is what we are dealing with…

This is the most infuriating take I have ever heard. This bint is a disgrace. Death to Kim Iverson. (It’s okay, I am just saying it all folksy and cuddly. I just mean I would kill for Kim Iverson..)

14 Comments on Death To Moronic Leftists

  1. Maybe since everyone knows that Israel is pretty much on its own right now, they will ignore what everyone tells them and finally get rid of the problem.

    Oh, wait. If they did that, the UN would pass a resolution condemning them.

  2. UA – my Mom always told me never to say I hate something – strongly dislike maybe, but never hate. Just think, if everyone followed that rule we would have no more hate crimes. What a wonderful world this would be.

  3. This is one of those classic cases where the shitlib being quoted either is stupid or is arrogant enough to believe that everyone else is stupid or is just some shameless hack who happily accepts a paycheck to say phenomenally stupid things with a straight face for the propaganda value.

  4. Kim’s wonderful and I mean wonderful virtue is showing! Such magnificent domestically produced and really the best in the world virtue somehow needs to be seen for the enlightenment of the mangy semi-civilized clods she writes down to. By that I mean her intended audience.


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