‘Death to the Dictator! Death to Rouhani!’: Thousands Protest the Government in Iran – IOTW Report

‘Death to the Dictator! Death to Rouhani!’: Thousands Protest the Government in Iran

Breitbart: Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Iran over the past few days, speaking out against both the “hardline” government of the ayatollahs and the supposedly “moderate” secular government of President Hassan Rouhani.

“Death to the dictator!” and “Death to Rouhani” are chants heard in at least eight Iranian cities, and the movement appears to be spreading.

The UK Daily Mail reports protesters surrounding an Iranian mullah, a powerful member of the theocratic ruling class, and changing “Mullahs, be ashamed and leave Iran!” in his face.

One of the big protests was held in Mashhad, which is considered one of the holiest sites in Iran and in all of Shia Islam, as it contains the shrine of a revered 9th Century imam.

On Friday afternoon there were reports of protesters filling the streets of Qom, Iran’s spiritual center, and chanting: “We don’t want an Islamic republic!” Another protest chant, “Iran is haphazard without the Shah,” seems calculated to annoy the mullahs and ayatollah. These are remarkable gestures of defiance against Iran and the revolution of 1979, which is officially regarded as a sacred event.

One brave woman expressed her defiance by standing up without a veil or headscarf. MORE HERE

14 Comments on ‘Death to the Dictator! Death to Rouhani!’: Thousands Protest the Government in Iran

  1. I think many of us fail to remember that Iran was the picture of 20th Century abundance before the fall… since, it has returned to a third world shithole. Most of us cannot even imagine the courage required to stand up.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I used to think Twitter was really stupid (well, it is, mostly) until I realized (in 2009?) that it was a prime vehicle for protesters to get word and video to the rest of the world. Hopefully Iran doesn’t get overlooked like last time.

  3. Last time this happened Obama took a knee looking the other way. Probably willingly guided by his little Iranian puppet master.

    Trump will do something much different. Probably something more like Reagan and the Polish Solidarity movement.

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