Death Toll At 85 In Mexico Pipeline Disaster – IOTW Report

Death Toll At 85 In Mexico Pipeline Disaster

It was thievery as usual at a gas line rupture in Tlahuelilpan, in Hidalgo, Mexico last Friday. Hundreds showed up with containers of every type to gather what they could from the geyser of petroleum product spewing out from the breach. That was until the crime scene went up in a giant fireball. Watch

Three days later, the death count has risen to 85. Officials say it could be weeks to months before they identify all the victims. Here

Illegally tapping Mexico’s pipelines has become a multi-billion dollar business for the drug cartels . To address the massive theft, Mexico’s new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrado has shut down targeted pipelines, transporting gas and diesel by tanker trucks instead, causing fuel shortages and price spikes in his country leading average citizens to take up fuel theft. More

22 Comments on Death Toll At 85 In Mexico Pipeline Disaster

  1. Darwin Convention. Saw the video. Flaming human cannonballs rolling away from the explosion where they were all taking turns dipping buckets into gas spraying open into the air.

    But the smart ones already came here, right?
    It’s only going to get worse.

  2. “when the explosion sent a geyser of fire 20 feet into the air”.

    Uh, someone needs to look at that vid again…that was hardly 20 feet.

    First saw it on LiveLeak and shows the geyser prior to KABOOM.

    One intense vid…one of the worse ways to go.

  3. This may be construed as sick but, “there ain’t quite as many of them as there was a while ago”. Maybe not an accurate quote but close to the lyrics of a song from the past at a time when we were once again under attack.

  4. NAFTA was supposed to bring hope and prosperity to Mexico and its impoverished people, and a profitable new market for American exports.

    I don’t think it worked out quite that way.

  5. The fucking beaners and their turd world hell holes. Everyone knows this happened because some stupid taco bender lit up a cigarette right in the middle of a giant cloud of gas fumes. These people are fucking morons.

    But, hey, lets invite them here, give them shit jobs, put them on the dole, and let them vote. Whadda ya say, ruling class motherfuckers?

  6. @TheMule: Those morons want to come here and cause even more problems like murder and rape of American citizens. Actually the fireball death toll didn’t put a dent in eliminating morons. They got what they deserved.

  7. My day job is natural gas interstate pipelines. Which by design and construction are very safe. But. It is best categorized as a sleeping dragon. If you see the parts above ground, where we bring it up to split off a bit for your town or city, don’t dawdle there. There just isn’t an upside to visiting. The parts buried in the dirt, leave them sleeping. My division has ~ eight thousand miles of buried dragon.

    We’re a big reason 811 is national now. Make yourself aware of buried utilities, don’t dig without calling that number and giving those utilities time to mark their facilities. Even if our stuff doesn’t catch on fire the pressure release alone is enough to toss a bulldozer. It will blow you into confetti. And if you think you can steal natural gas, be my guest. I’ll be happy to document for the feds exactly how you killed yourself on my pipeline.

    There! Need to show this to my boss. I’ll get an “atta boy” fer sure. We spend millions on public awareness, and they just got this audience for free.

  8. Oh please Lowell.
    If only the poor ignorant neighbors to the south did not know that stealing is wrong.
    And gasoline is explosive.
    The gas pipelines cut marked swaths 50 yards wide across the landscape in SW Colorado.
    A land owner would have to be a moron or an obama voter to not know a pipeline crosses their property.
    The problem in Mexico is that the population there has been indoctrinated since 1492 that nobody is responsible and nobody is accountable and they CAN STEAL ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.
    And they love it.
    It is their National Pastime.
    It is a cultural thing. And their culture will suffer until they pull their heads out of their behinds.
    And our culture will be destroyed if we let them invade our border with free Federal benefits .
    Tell the truth, you really are Gerry Brown?

  9. These were fuel pipelines. Not natural gas.

    The only black market fuel I’ve gotten in Mesiko is at the turnoff down the 1 for Bahia De los Angeles.

    Cuz they ain’t no gas stations. It’s just some dude with a 50 gallon drum and a hand pump.

    Looks like some dumb bastard kilt 80 Mesikins for no damn good reason.

  10. There is a bit of knowledge that is required to tap a live pipeline. Chances are those mexicans were not hot tapping technicians. I can do it, but it takes having the right equipment and the willingness to do it safely and by the books. A lot of those books are written in English. Might be part of the problem.


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