1. I’m swinging for the bleacher. First I want Hillary to take a twenty minute potty break. When she reappears I want her to be dragging about 5 feet of toilet paper behind her. Then I want to see here vapor lock on National TV.

  2. All my adult life I never wished ill on anyone. Well- with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, The Blind Sheik, and others I only wished that they got a fair trial and then hung.
    With Hillary? Well, let’s just say I’m in a bit of a bind. It’s that Catholic thing, you know.

  3. Trump is merciless in his criticism of Hillary. About halfway in, one of two things happen:

    1) She totally blows a gasket on national teevee, and the cat’s finally out of the bag about her anger management problem.

    2) She collapses on stage and is hospitalized long enough to torpedo her campaign. Hello, President Trump!

    Runner-up fantasy:

    Oops! She’s wearing the one Depends in the package that somehow missed the quality-control check at the factory. An unpleasant odor is followed by videographed proof of bodily substances collecting on the floor.

  4. @Moe tom:

    Let me appeal to your religious upbringing. Hillary Clinton is the spawn of Satan. Surely you don’t want such a person in the White House.

    It’s okay to wish death on the Satanic family. I checked with Fr. Kennedy at St. Pat’s in Bronxville.

  5. I hope her karma catches up with her, and she has a major short circuit, or strokes out on national TV.

    Then I want a cut to CNN anchors and pundits having a meltdown over it.

    Ahhhhhh, the simple joy that would bring.

  6. Hillary has a coughing fit, Trump walks over and throws a glass of water in her face…and calmly walks back to his place and says “no problem folks. I do that at home and the cat always coughs up their hairball.

  7. Trump has every woman who accused slick willy of rape or sexual molestation sitting in the front row of the auditorium. He then points them out during his opening statement and personally thanks them for attending.

  8. Trump tells Hillary she is living proof that DNC stands for “Degenerate Narcissist Criminals”, and Hillary, in response, starts heavily foaming at the mouth, her eyes roll back in her head, and she starts flopping around on the floor and spinning around like Curly Howard. “Nyuk, nyuk, nyukk”.

    They shoot her with a tranquilizer dart gun but it just makes her spin around faster.

    Trump point to her on the floor and says, “you really want this maniac for your next president? Look at her there, spinning around, getting toxic foam on everybody, she would be of better use powering a generator in a nut house. Who needs solar power when you have this? …”

  9. She starts babbling incoherent, disjointed nonsense. Melts down into a full blown autistic screaming temper tantrum.

    Assaults and kills Bill in the audience and then strokes out.
    Would be nice if the floor opened up to a flaming pit and her father Satan dragged her into the pit.

  10. Benghazi families front and center in the audience, with Bill’s many victims right behind them. That might bring on my true fantasy, which I share with @bob_anon, that she strokes out right there at the podium.

  11. The black guy shoots a tranquilizer into Hillary’s fat ass and several hours later she wakes up in the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, she is dragged out by her hair and slowly tortured to death like what they did to Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.. A.K.A. getting hit by the karma bus..

  12. Someone stabs her with an epipen filled with truth serum. As hard as she tries — even clapping her hands over her own mouth — she tells the God-awful truth in response to every question and then some. When the moderators try to go to break, she screams at them to “Stop the charade!!” and “Give up!!” to the truth. Then she starts telling about individual media people who were in cahoots with the Clintons, personal stories of blackmail, extortion, bribery, gifts, sex scandals, etc. Bill faints, Stephanopolous starts crying uncontrollably, Blitzer and Cooper start a fist fight (it’s more like two girls slapping at each other). The stage set start falling apart and just as all the air escapes the mayhem, leaving everyone crying, broken and caught, Pharell’s “Happiness” comes over the sound system and Trump shuffles and spins in the spotlight to the beat, smiling broadly with both thumbs up.

  13. Hillary is asked her first question. She pauses and tells the moderator that she needs to make a statement and please don’t interrupt her.

    She then begins to tell the nation what the democrats/left have been working toward the last 50 or so decades – self enrichment and the destruction of freedom. She admits her roll in it along with Obama, Bill, Soros, all the media (news and entertainment) and the educational system. She then lists all the organizations (IRS, EPA, DNR, etc.), Senators and Representatives, both Democrats and Republicans, that are complicit in this plan.

    She then faces into the camera and tells all her followers and every black person in the nation just what they think of them and that they should never ever vote for another Democrat ever again.

    She then turns and walks off the stage, never to be heard from again. Oh, except she has shipped copies of every damning document to every Tea Party, Conservative talk show host and the few true Conservative Congress persons that stood up against them.


  14. Hillary has a coughing fit, her stomach open and that alien Mooch like creatures flies out.

    I keep thinking the debates won’t happen. Bill will have a convenient, massive heart attack, linger then die so the debates will be cancelled. Hillary will be too ecstatic to debate.

  15. She wears a Dr. Evil outfit so hideous that Luntz’s Dunces put lighter fluid on their dials and spark up.

    Or Trump ties a $100 bill on some fishing line and puts it in front of her podium. Or leanin’ stool. Or chair…iron lung, whatever, I don’t know what she’ll show up in.

  16. “An unpleasant odor is followed by videographed proof of bodily substances collecting on the floor.”

    …while the audience–and mods–chant, “Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!”, and the network goes to break with a Life Alert commercial…

  17. Its head turns 180 degrees around toward Trump and states “Your mother sucks c**ks in Hell!”

    Then it coughs up Huma hair ball with green puke before being subdued by the SS agents and holy water.

  18. Trump hires two police officers and three mental hospital patient-wrestlers who are holding a straightjacket while standing just off stage and in direct line of sight with Hillary. They all just stand there, holding up the straightjacket and staring directly at Hillary the whole time, never taking their eyes off of her.

  19. Some nerdy bastard hacks into Hillary’s earpiece and teleprompter. All she hears during the entire debate is circus music, as the teleprompter scrolls text from Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

    All her Nazi supporters in the audience stand up and accuse her of plagiarism, throwing tomatoes at her.

  20. The whole thing translated into sign language by the guy from Africa standing upstage in front of them.

    At least I’d be guaranteed a smile.

    Doesn’t the pen guy look like him? He could fake it just as well.

  21. @Dadof4:

    Do you mean the black guy who’s always following Hillary with an Epi-Pen, or the faux sign language interpreter who made Mandela’s funeral so entertaining.

  22. Hillary when accused of something by Trump begins defending herself Donald rolls his eyes, Bill gets up on the stage to defend the honor of his wife begins a rant with her. the earth opens up below them and they are swallowed into the depths and the earth closes after them.

  23. GFY – I’m thinking the epi pen guy looks like the faux sign language guy.

    You could have epi pen guy fake a sign language translation instead of finding the original.

    I shoot for brevity and have to use even more words afterwards. Hopefully I get better at communication at some point.

  24. “Nobody thought of spontaneous combustion?” – Corona

    Well, you did specifically! lol

    But that would be something covered under my “Deus ex machina” post.

  25. It would be epic if a hot mic caught her saying something along the lines of:

    “I helped get Nixon out of the Oval office over 17 minutes of erased tape and I’m about to be installed into it after all the theft, crime, treason and tens of thousands of emails being deleted! Satan truly is awesome! MUAHAHAHAHA” (with a cavernous reverb that makes you pee in fear to hear)

  26. Earthquake splits the stage open, flames come up out of the newly formed crevasse and Hillary is swallowed up, The Earth burps and the gash suddenly closes shut.

    OK, so I’m being overly dramatic, What if she just falls into a coma and never wakes up again. How’s this?

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