Debate Over Using Aborted Baby Parts in Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Debate Over Using Aborted Baby Parts in Wisconsin

Members of Wisconsin’s legislature are moving forward with a new bill that would make it illegal to use the remains of aborted babies for research.


Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic testified to state law makers “what is really going on” at PP.

The dean of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine, Robert Golden testified that “this life-saving research would come to a complete, and abrupt stop in Wisconsin.”

The UW-Med School procures its fetal tissue from Advanced Bioscience Resources, a firm that is noted for it’s mass procurement of fetal tissue from PP.


What the academics aren’t telling the public is that no one is preventing them from using fetal tissue. They are only telling them to stop using aborted babies.

Parents of miscarried or stillborn babies may still donate the remains of their children for research and no one is restricting scientist from using existing lines of tissue.

3 Comments on Debate Over Using Aborted Baby Parts in Wisconsin

  1. In reply to Golden, no it wouldn’t have to come to a stop. He and other thinkers like him can donate their bodies immediately for life-saving research. What is that about giving up your life for your fellow man! In fact, I would like a cure for prostate cancer and would be eternally thankful to Golden if he would become a willing lab rat ( I don’t see how he could refuse) in the pursuit of a cure for that disease!

  2. I was listening to one of the Assembly members who was part of the committee hearing on the radio this morning and I’ve been looking for a transcript (so far no luck).

    The assembly member seemed to indicate that Dean Golden admitted, during the hearing, that UW researchers are on site at the abortion clinic in a back room. When the baby is aborted they are there to preserve the specimen quickly and in the form they want.

    If true, it would seem the UW is able to cut out the middle man and access the dead baby body parts directly. No word on how much the UW might be paying to have this privileged access (if true).

    This is about all I could find on the hearing online right now but here’s a take away line.

    “According to Golden, the University of Wisconsin nets $76 million in federal research dollars because of the research using aborted babies.”

    Let’s just say the UW med school researchers have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

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