Debbie didn’t tell the DNC officers about a breach in their servers – IOTW Report

Debbie didn’t tell the DNC officers about a breach in their servers

Daily Caller: DWS, Perkins Coie May Have Engaged CrowdStrike Instead Of FBI Without Consulting DNC Officers.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, did not tell the DNC’s own officers about a breach on its servers for more than a month after learning about it, according to then-DNC officer Donna Brazile.

Wasserman Schultz alerted the officers of the breach only when The Washington Post was about to make the revelations public, Brazile writes in an excerpt of the book Politico ran Thursday. The DNC instead enlisted the law firm of Perkins Coie to make major decisions, including how to handle the breach of its servers that led to an embarrassing email dump.

The timing suggests the DNC’s unusual and significant choice to have the private law firm CrowdStrike conduct the investigation into the breach, rather than turn the evidence over to law enforcement, was made without consulting DNC officers.

“She told [officers] about the hacking only minutes before the Washington Post broke the news,” Brazile wrote.

June 14, 2016, article by the Post quoted “committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach” and said “DNC leaders were tipped to the hack in late April.”

“Chief executive Amy Dacey got a call from her operations chief saying that their information technology team had noticed some unusual network activity,” WaPo reported. Dacey enlisted a lawyer from Perkins Coie, who “called in” the private security firm CrowdStrike “to handle the DNC breach.”

Perkins Coie is the same law firm that paid for the Trump dossier using the DNC’s funds. DNC officials including Wasserman Schultz claim they had no idea that their organization had indirectly funded the infamous document.  Read more here

SNIP: The sh!t is beginning to hit the fan for the Dems. But just slow enough so that the splatter gets on as many people as it can.

13 Comments on Debbie didn’t tell the DNC officers about a breach in their servers

  1. The scary haired bitch is going to be in deep trouble with her own party for possibly dropping them in the shitter without their knowledge. If America had an honest DOJ and FBI the Democrat party as it’s currently constituted would be destroyed and replaced by some honest Democrats. I’m sure there are some around. Hell, with what could happen to the Dems and what Trump and Bannon are doing to the GOP, America could actually turn the clock back decades and have two honest parties.

  2. I think we’ll be hearing a lot about Elias at Perkins Coie. He appears to be the central fixer for most of the Killery/DNC problems and there have been reports of PC being paid close to 9MM over the course of a few key years. If Steele was only paid $168,000 for the dossier, why so much money? Hush money? Laundering? Who knows? Reminds me of the ’08 election when the obama campaign shelled out millions to a phony business address for campaign support of various kinds.

  3. She was the perfect dupe for a con man. He seduced this frog ugly woman in a reverse honey trap. Just more intelligence stolen and money fleeced by foreign operators due to rank stupidity.

  4. When or if all the indiscretions of the democrat party come to light I seriously doubt that it will survive in its present form. I hope to see a rise in the old “blue dog” democrats and a step away from the uber liberals presently in control. Between Obama and Clinton the democrat party has been left in shambles.
    What a shame, heh heh heh

  5. And will Congress call Donna Brazier to testify? Will it be a closed door session? There has to be a State Attorney General out there somewhere with proper jurisdiction and jurisprudence.

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