Debbie Does Awan? – IOTW Report

Debbie Does Awan?

Gateway Pundit has dared to venture into territory most would rather not explore. Was accused criminal Pakistani IT guy, Imran Awan, “packing” something to get access to the DNC’s computers, that being former DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, indulged on unpacked?


33 Comments on Debbie Does Awan?

  1. He’s a musloid. Musloids have no standards. They do little kids with no hair, sheep, goats, each other, cadavers, dogs. Is this guy trying to lower standards so all his animal boinkin pals won’t look so bad?

  2. gotta be blackmail. He’s to smaht to bag that ugly bitch. He worships money, not *ahem* females. Granted, its easier to not desire an ugly woman than an good looking one.

  3. Charlie,

    If you believe 5% of what’s been written or reported on Seth’s murder it was a much bigger conspiracy than these two idiots could dream up. The cover up alone suggests it’s huge. She might have implemented it, but she had the blessing and backing from way high up. He left the spot where he was shot alive. With medical attention. But died later at the hospital where attending physicians were band from seeing him.

  4. Thanks, Dr. tar! I’ll be spending the next few days pressure washing my computer room after coating the walls from my projectile vomiting just thinking about Blabbermouth Schultz doing the nasty (and I do mean nasty) with that perverted Musloid.

  5. In Re: Seth Rich

    Though officially the police say there was no robbery (due to wallet, credit cards etc. left behind), what’s to say Seth wasn’t carrying a few PRECIOUS flash drives that he wouldn’t ‘let out of his sight’. No one would know he had them on his person unless…he mentioned them while being under the influence earlier in the bar. Only he and one or two others would know…thus, the hit probably was already set up, but this ‘loot’ was more than likely the reason he was killed.

    Just thoughts, bc no one will ever know unless someone comes forward and confesses. But I DO have this ‘gut feeling’ that this is how his murder went down.

  6. What’s weird about the Seth Rich murder is that no one is saying “No way would the Democrats do something so evil as to murder someone for damaging their cause.”

  7. Talk about taking one for allah! So Debbie “pooch face” Wasserman was getting stuffed with Halah sausage and the fleshy sword of mohammad while betraying our country. Par for the course when you are a corrupt commie democrat.

  8. I have always maintained that the Hillbag’s private server was “accidently-on-purpose” unsecured for intelligence reasons as were Huma’s computer and the Weiner’s backup of it. This was a pipeline of intelligence, sanctioned by the Marxist Muzlim Mallard, to our arab enemies (probably Iran) and this is just another puzzle piece that fits perfectly.

  9. Please. If Gateway Pundit wants to be taken seriously, they really need to jettison their National Enquirer tendencies. As long as they keep this up, I’ll continue believing they should not have WH press credentials.

    There is plenty that’s explosive about this Awan scandal without these kinds of moronic musings.

  10. The value of this speculation is that people can understand a person continuing to pay their IT guy if their was a love connection, but if DWS denies it then she’s pretty much hosed, because, I mean, why else would she be paying him? Then there is always the hilarity of her having to pay for sex, right?

  11. So the Gateway Pundit being like the National Enquirer is a good thing and proves that they are a serious group of journalists.

    Oh. Okay. My bad.

    Who knew the key to real news was emulating the National Enquirer, peddling in inuendo and overusing the word BOOM in headlines?

  12. There is something very disturbing about the connections between so called “Jewish” American politicians and the oily brown and Pakistani muslime scum, computers, and sexual predators.

    Dicknose Wiener and Humadin and the computer and the little girl that is causing him to go to prison. This vile ugly brillo head little girl WassermanShit and these filthy, oily, muslim brother-hoods. Chuck Scummer and the IndoPak child molester that he intimidated and threatened immigration offcials into issuing a visa to, only to have him rape ad molest children once Chuckie got him here.

    The computer evidence and the hard drives and the squealing, oily brown, muslime dog Awan is a BIG problem for a lot of rats. Regardless of his cooperation, the evidence is obviously on them.

  13. Thank you for admitting it’s speculation. Which, to be fair, was my only point.

    Wild speculation, innuendo and gossip are not real news. If they are, we wouldn’t be railing against CNN the way we are.

    We don’t defeat the fake news by becoming fake news.

    I get it. Jim’s traffic went through the roof during the primaries because of his staunch support for Trump. And I applaud him for being such a solid Trump supporter from the beginning.

    But I think that sudden jump in traffic has got the site behaving like a trashy click-bait whore.

    And that’s really disappointing.

  14. This is what blackmail looks like.
    Money being paid for no VISIBLE reason.

    Being blackmailed by your IT Guy is an old trap, older than the Internet.

    When the IT team is a family, and Paki Muslims, you just have several obvious probabilities.

    In addition the top Dems seem as clueless and stupid about basic Security as any 14 year old girls sending nude selfies out on Snapchat.
    Podesta’s password was “password”.
    You don’t get dumber than that.

  15. @Bad_Brad July 31, 2017 at 12:59 am

    > it was a much bigger conspiracy than these two idiots could dream up. The cover up alone suggests it’s huge

    If you (desperately?) want to (must?) believe it was a “one off.” The County Animal Control Officer (/Associate Justice of the Peace/sole septic pumping professional) of Podunk County, Iowa, might be challenged by the corpse of a dead elephant (Asian or African) appearing on the steps of the County Courthouse (sometime between Sunday noon and Monday dawn). Every janitor, that’s passed probation, at every East Coast zoo, knows the drill (heck, it’s already bookmarked on his “company” phone, when he receives it).

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