Debunking 9/11 Inside Job Theories – IOTW Report

Debunking 9/11 Inside Job Theories

27 Comments on Debunking 9/11 Inside Job Theories

  1. I use to think that it was a moslem terror attack but given what has happened over the last few years I’m beginning to think it was a cia/deep state operation. I’m hearing more and more stories that the 9/11 hijackers were recruited by the cia. Just look at the power to spy on enemies of the state ( American citizens). All of a sudden they are no longer worried about Islam terrorism only conservatives. In the 60s the cia wanted to attack and kill Americans and blame it on Cuba. JFK shot it down.

  2. I’ve been on the fence about this. DJT gave a pretty powerful interview with a local TV station. He walked thru the construction of the twin towers. And even he said he couldn’t understand how an aluminum plane could cause that much damage. (Or something to that effect anyway). Then you have building seven collapsing. Which was pretty damn strange and there’s some talk about that’s the building they were really after.
    The thing that makes me doubt it was an inside job is where’s the carrot. What was there to gain? I dunno.

  3. On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld disclosed the the Pentagon could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Nothing has been said about that since. Maybe that is one of a few carrots. Between WTC 1, WTC 2, and Bld. 7 there was a significant amount of gold in vaults. I wonder if any of that was recovered. There may be plenty of carrots that we will never know about. The only thing I’m convinced of is that we are not getting the truth!

  4. “What was there to gain?”

    To instill fear, uncertainty, and anxiety within the American populace so that an intelligence leviathan, capable of spying on every American citizen, could be established, all under the guise of public safety.

    Although I do NOT think this was an inside job, requiring concrete irrefutable evidence for any conclusion, I accept that our government is certainly capable of such a heinous act. I also admit that given the dearth of curiosity our investigative journalists possess, and our government’s ability to cover up any criminality engaged in, I doubt any revelation will be definitive.

  5. An entire government agency was established to contain it as NOT an inside job, the 9/11 Commission. They came out with a propaganda book to prove it wasn’t an inside job and the main findings were government wasn’t big enough and didn’t have enough reach to prevent such an attack. The whole existence of such an agency and their findings leaves me to believe it certainly was at least partially an inside job, if not completely orchestrated. Perfect condition passports, tiny hole in the pentagon, building 7, all the “right” people who decided to not go to work that day, “pull it,” gold/dollar debt cover up, things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  6. Did the govt allow Pearl Harbor so we could get into the war?
    Did the agencies allow terrorist to plan and act on 9/11 to start another war?
    I used to be all for going into Iraq, but my views on a lot of history has changed since I’ve seen all branches of govt act against Trump and other patriots.

    Big events like assassinations, terror attacks, and military attacks are followed by wars, govt gaining more control over the populace, and erosion of rights and privacy.

  7. Rumsfeld never said 2.3 trillion dollars was “missing.”
    He said with our outdated technology we weren’t able to “track” 2.3 trillion dollars of the budget of the DoD in 2001.

  8. Think about this-

    The 2.3 trillion mentioned by Rumsfeld on Sept 10th was already reported a year prior and nobody GAS.

    If they could “steal” 2.3 trillion and you didn’t even hear about it in 2000, WTF would they need to try and pull off the most elaborate and stupidest and convoluted scheme in the history of the country to steal some more?

  9. So, let me get this straight. An audit was going to be performed where material in Building 7 was germane. So they hatched a plot to fly 2 planes into the WTC north and south tower in hopes that when they were hit, debris and fire would fall on the actual target (Building 7) in order for it to catch fire so they could later detonate the building and say the fire caused the collapse. They also wired up the north and south tower to be detonated because… why?

    And Siverstein when he said “pull it” was not talking about pulling back and removing the effort to try and save the building, he was actually, on camera, saying (with his finger in his nose and a propeller beanie on) he ordered the building to be blown up with the prewired explosives.

    Kinda not buying this.


    i’ve seen massive damage birds have done to planes
    no way a plane can damage buildings with a steel structure outer core
    where is the airplane debris in PA, the pentagon, & NYC?
    911/2001 was a catalyst for .gov to be able to do things they’d otherwise never be able to accomplish
    the evil doers have a very long list of ways (ukraine money laundering anyone?) to rob the citizens of their hard earned wages
    these evil fucks will shoot up schools & not shed a tear or blink an eye just to change the news cycle and implement gun control in the process

  11. “The 2.3 trillion mentioned by Rumsfeld on Sept 10th was already reported a year prior and nobody GAS.”

    I think there were plenty of people that gave a shit. It’s also a bit of a coincidence that Building 7, the building that had all the necessary files to continue an investigation fell down the very next day that Rumsfeld brought it up again. I’m not suggesting that this issue alone would justify the events of 9-11, but talk about convenient. What is that saying again? Oh yeah, “There Are No Coincidences!”

  12. Perfect condition passports, —–

    You say that as if these were the only things found. The inventory which was found is vast. The flight attendant’s log book was found. There were hundreds of things found. The passports were not in perfect condition. You can see here-

    tiny hole in the pentagon, — The hole is consistent with the size of the fuselage. There were eye-witnesses to the plane crash.

    building 7, – there is nothing strange about building 7. What’s strange is how people think it was taken down, with part of the plan necessitating that the building be hit by falling debris from North and South tower.

    all the “right” people who decided to not go to work that day,-
    Put a link to this in the comments.

    “pull it,” –

    You’re saying in an interview Silverstein said “I gave the order to blow up the building.”?

    gold/dollar debt cover up, – I have not heard of any gold going missing, or complaints from anyone that gold was missing. If they could take it without complaints, why would they need to blow up a building?

    things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  13. “i’ve seen massive damage birds have done to planes
    no way a plane can damage buildings with a steel structure outer core”

    I posted earlier on this thread about how DJT couldn’t understand how an aluminum plane did that much damage to those building. Let me present the other side of that argument. How much damage can water do to a damn?
    I’m not a structural engineer and I don’t play one on TV. But after being in my biz for 40 years I might as well be.

    If I were in power and serious about solving this I would examine both plane strike to see how far those buildings actually swayed when struck. Now you can start some no shit calculations.

  14. Tower 7 also contained IRS records, re ENRON. Funny how that fiasco died as fast as its ‘suicidal’ CEO did.

    And Schenksville? No good explanation of why the engines hit the ground well BEFORE the fuselage crashed.
    Plus why was a muslim crescent chosen by the feds for the design of the memorial park if it was islamic terrorist to blame.

    SQUIRRELS! all around

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