Debunking the Trump Bimbos – IOTW Report

Debunking the Trump Bimbos

Got News has uncovered some evidence that the MSM doesn’t even try to unearth. Some of it is good, some of it is weak. But the MSM isn’t even trying. They’ve bought these sexual assault stories lock, stock and barrel. At least there are some journalists out there trying to look into these accusers.

Rachel Crooks has accused Trump of kissing her on the mouth. A family friend, related by marriage, took to her Facebook timeline and published that she is a “big baby” and a liar. She is disgruntled because Trump never called her for a modeling job. See HERE.

Natasha Stoynoff claims Trump sexually assaulted her. Got News ran a few Facebook things, nothing earth shattering. They claim the woman has a rape fixation because she has pictures with Mike Tyson and a letter from Kirk Douglas, an alleged rapist. — weak sauce.

Mindy McGillivray claims that Trump “nudged her” at a concert. This time it’s McGillivray’s story that is weak. No debunking necessary. Her story is ridiculous.

Finally, the Jessica Leeds accusation. This is the woman who claims she was plucked out of economy-class and invited up to first class by a stewardess. Why? Who knows?

She’s seated next to a young and unknown Donald Trump. Within minutes he was like an “octopus” groping her everywhere. Oddly, the woman said if he contained himself to her “upper half” she wouldn’t have said anything. But he put his hands under her skirt! (She has standards.)

Got News’ revelations aren’t earth shattering, but it successfully paints a profile of a woman who would be just the type to come forward at the eleventh hour to try and be a hero and aid in a Hillary win.

23 Comments on Debunking the Trump Bimbos

  1. If you’re inclined to believe this bullshit, then you’re going to and there ain’t squat that anyone can say that’s gonna change your mind.

    So they can get fucked.

    Bet your ass that Chris Wallace will inject this crap Moment 1 and will not tie Clinton Foundation donations to cozy deals with the government.

  2. These fabricated allegations just show that HRC is desperate. People who know DJT know he is nothing like WJC.

    The left are chronic projectors, they think everyone is like them.

    There is a lot of buzz going around that the HRC empire will “take out” one of the accusers and then blame the “alt right” for their death.

    Parallels to the death of the one woman right before the Brexit vote. (killed by a mentally deficient bozo who was completely ignorant of all things political)

    Totally plausible because killing someone for this is definitely not beneath HRC and her ilk.

  3. The “First Class” photo from 1973 that’s going around and shows the arm rest up and down… if they just looked at the other photos in that archive, it clearly says “First Class Lounge”. There’s even a coffee table! There’s another photo showing the “First Class Cabin” which doesn’t show the armrests but from the back you can see they are oversized and separate chairs. National Airlines, fall 1973, JFK – MIA.

  4. All this just reminds me of the Rolling Stones thing. That was unbelievable as you read it, with WAY too many details that could have been easily verified, but wasn’t.

    I also think of the McMartin case. Does anyone else remember that story?

  5. Story now out on Gateway Pundit that Leeds is a secretary for the Clinton Foundation. Also that her story is plagiarizing an old Velvet Underground song.

    As soon as I saw her speak yesterday in that nice infomercial hit piece, it just reeked of being phony. When she said he lifted up the armrest to get to her in first class, knew that was a lie because they don’t lift up. Also, how in the world is he going to molest her in First Class with other passengers and Flt. Attendants there.

    If this is so in the bag for Clinton at this point, then why stoop to such despicable actions and risk it all exploding in her face? Unless its not so “in the bag” as the Press is trying to convince us it is.

  6. I keep hearing the pundits and Fox saying “He needs to stop defending himself and talk about the issues!”

    Bullshit! This is the only crap the “American Idol”, TMZ watching LoFo voters pay attention to. He needs to defuse it.

  7. TO Gunny

    Exactly. Heard the same from Karl Rove (*cough cough*)
    in an interview with Lou Dobbs. Ignore it, and the Left’s narrative only grows more vile.

    1) He is an expert at de-fusing this volatile (even if untrue) attack,
    2) the Media and Hillary are the ones lobbing the attacks,
    3) he can always speak to the issues whenever he wants during the debate WHILE/AFTER attacking Hillary on these lies.

  8. @Gunny, absolutely!

    I am so tired of hearing so called Trump supporters (Varney at the moment) moan that calling his accusers liars is no way to win over woman. How can you pretend woman have brains when you claim calling a liar a liar is offensive to us?

    Then about the issues….he has talked issues for months. These idiots who get paid to talk smack do not have a clue why his base is energized, We know the issues and the lying distorting omitting press, false accusations, phoney polls, bs outrage and greasy Clinton campaign coverups are important issues to us little people.

  9. If Karl Rove advised me to not walk in the path of a bus, I’d not lose a step on my journey nor make any deviations.

    These women could’ve sued or blackmailed Trump for big $$$$ for forever. They also didn’t go to the police. F em. I’ve worked with victims of rape & abuse for 25 yrs & this kind of fake BS rustles my jimmies, so bad.

  10. “I keep hearing the pundits and Fox saying “He needs to stop defending himself and talk about the issues!”

    Well from here on out they are probably right. At the current rate of bull shit slinging next week Megan Kelly will be showing pictures of the farm animals Trump supposedly slept with. He needs to hold a press conference and point this out. And then get back on the issues, which the other side desperately wants to avoid.

  11. Allow me to point out that anyone who would vote for Hillary is endorsing a deceitful, duplicitous, self-serving, lying, two-faced, money-grubbing, power-hungry, filthy attack-b!tch, who left her scruples, morals and honesty next to an ashtray full of smoked roaches on top of a book on Karl Marx and her thesis on Saul Alinsky, who supports, enables and covers up for a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper. Anyone voting for Hillary has no business talking about being “offended” by anything Trump supposedly did and can kiss my ass!

  12. The Rat Fink; None of that matters to the media or to more than half the country. They don’t believe it. They want a woman for prez just like they wanted a black prez. I know people who are buying this left wing b/s because all they watch is network news. My cousin was defending oslimy saying he’s not responsible for anything that’s happened. My aunt and a neighbor believe everything the media tells them. They will not listen to facts. Propaganda works.

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