“Deception,” The Secret Life Of Stacey Abrams – IOTW Report

“Deception,” The Secret Life Of Stacey Abrams

The democrat hopeful who wants to be Georgia’s next governor, Stacey Abrams, has authored eight very steamy romance novels. Written under the pen name Selena Montgomery, The Federalist offers up some excerpts that are rather explicit in nature (Warning: profane imaging and narrative). Here


SNIP: Hi, MJA here. When  I saw Dr. Tar’s story in the queue, I had to order a ‘painting’ for it from BFH.
It’s hysterically, and eye bleedingly awesome, obvy, but it’s missing a title.

You know what to do. 😉

52 Comments on “Deception,” The Secret Life Of Stacey Abrams

  1. “The torn and discarded Southeastern Mills Bleached White Flour bag flew to a shadowed corner, the dim bedside lamp further obscured by the floating clouds of the sweet milled wheat, he gasped out, shaking with the fever of desire, “The wet spot! I knew it had to be here somewhere!”.

  2. Look at all you horn dogs running the links faster than a golfer can swing his putter.
    Such cheese in a can!
    “I’ve never been with anyone before because I’ve never wanted anyone before,” but now let’s play some tonsil hockey.

  3. He wanted to suppress her vote, but she was having none of it. Grabbing Randolph in her vice like grip, she tossed him down like yesterday’s bucket of chicken.
    “What, what do you intend to do with me?” he asked pleadingly as Selma Montana hungrily gazed at his chiseled physique.
    “I should turn you over to the authorities for all your crimes against the people, but I’m not letting you off that easy.”
    Her bosom heaved, skin glistened with beads of sweat from the effort of tackling the object of her desire. Though already near exhaustion, she continued on, like some lusting animal or something.
    Randolph closed his eyes tightly and began to pray it would all be over quickly. It wouldn’t.

    Excerpt from “The Busted”

  4. Moby’s Dick and the Whale. Willy’s Wanka and the Chocolate Umpa Lumpa.

    Well, after readin some of her scratchin I’m gonna have to rethink my and Mrs Galt’s approach to love makin. We seem to be doin something wrong.

  5. …That was terrible.
    I don’t even need brain bleach or anything because I couldn’t understand what the hell was going on in each excerpt.

    Each sentence was written the exact same. Over and over.
    Just like I’m doing right now, an example. Never fully explained.
    She was using words like gossamer and impact without knowing what they mean.

    …my head hurts.


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