Deciphering Mueller-Speak – IOTW Report

Deciphering Mueller-Speak


Robert Mueller the smear merchant.


Patriot Retort:

So Robert Mueller held a brief press conference to announce that the Special Counsel’s office is closing and he’s stepping down.

Naturally, he managed to irritate and frustrate just about everybody.

But here’s the thing.  I’m not a lawyer.  So I don’t feel qualified to give an overall assessment of what Robert Mueller did today.

Suffice it to say, I think despite his report showing the President did not collude with Russia, Robert Mueller couldn’t help but use this press conference as an opportunity to smear the President.

But instead of me waxing on as if I know what in the hell I’m talking about, I’m going to kick it over to a defense attorney to explain the legal side of things.


12 Comments on Deciphering Mueller-Speak

  1. My take. Mueller knows he is in deep shit in ig report and he is stirring shit up. Another is why he won’t appear before the House is because gop can ask him questions regarding what he knew or found out about spygate, Hillary, etc. And he would have to answer without purgering himself. We need to get reports and unclassified docs released yesterday.

  2. A Faustian bargain is made with a power that the bargainer recognizes as evil or amoral. Faustian bargains are by their nature tragic or self-defeating for the person who makes them, because what is surrendered is ultimately far more valuable than what is obtained, whether or not the bargainer appreciates that fact. Mueller attends church regularly.

  3. “What the hell is this, folks? They exonerate Hillary because they think she didn’t intend to do what she did. They can’t find that Trump did anything, but they think he intended to do what he didn’t do, and so we need to impeach him.”

    Rush Limbaugh

  4. Barr made his statements under oath. The citizens of this country need to remember that ole Bob refused to speak under oath.

    Someone is lying…I don’t wonder who it is. I know.

  5. Muleface did everything in his power (which was substantial) to try to find something to charge PDT with, & found nothing

    Muleface, & all the ‘Rats are total failures. none of them have built a thing in their lives, & now they want to condemn a man who has built & created all his life.

    … never were there more disgusting POS’ than the D’Rats

  6. Mueler Speak: When first assigned to the investigation Mueller spoke to his twenty or so Hillary Lawyers and said this:
    We have been gathered together for a purpose. The American people have been denied the rule of a wonderful woman as President.
    It is our duty to see that that is corrected. It is our duty as American patriots, to see that this dictator, this con man, this racist, is removed from office as President. And Jailed.
    Now, we know from the outset, that there is no evidence against the scumbag. but that doesn’t matter, we still have a two million/billion dollar budget to work with and we will all be well paid as long as this bullshit lasts.
    So. keep on working on the investigation and not to worry. Leak a little shit to CNN.SNBC,and even FOX now and again and we’ll make this bullshit last at least two years.
    Never let a crisis go to waste,especially when you create one.


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