Decorating… – IOTW Report


h/t PHenry.

6 Comments on Decorating…

  1. got a neighbor that put up a little Biden/Harris yard sign in the entrance to their driveway … one of those imitation Trump yard signs

    I do walks around the ‘neighborhood’ ever other day (3 miles; takes about an hour) & no one has a Trump or Biden sign up ‘cept this transplant from a libtard county … guy’s seems to be an ok guy & regularly walks his 2 full-sized poodles … ‘Cooper’ & what I call ‘Mini Cooper’ (much to his annoyance) … I meet up w/ him often & we regularly chat

    when I met up w/ him in one of our recent walks I congratulated him that the ‘community’ had voted his driveway entrance the scariest Halloween yard display ever … he was puzzled … I pointed to his Biden/Harris yard sign & said “if that ain’t the scariest thing anyone’s ever seen, I don’t know what is! … I wouldn’t allow that idiot to be in charge of walking my dog”

    he went away without a word, totally pissed … the next day, the sign was down



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