Deejay CATO – IOTW Report

Deejay CATO

Cato taking the readers into the night on iOTWreportFM.






11 Comments on Deejay CATO

  1. Paul Thorn is one of my alltime favorite singer / songwriters and is a must see every time he is in town. He is a staple at Knuckleheads and will do full band shows Friday and Saturday nights, but on Sunday it is just him and his acoustic guitar in the Gospel Lounge (seats around 100 people). The kids and WHN took me on Father’s Day last year and even my 20 year old had to admit that she’s now a fan.

  2. Thanks CATO! We do love Paul Thorn! WHF didn’t mention that it was also an intimate Sunday Brunch with him before the performance and he hung around after the show to chat. He’s genuinely nice… and very funny!

    He puts to words, why I think we need one of those banners for big, holiday, family git-togethers that says “Thanks for coming! Please leave by 9:00!”

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