Deejay PBunyan – IOTW Report

9 Comments on Deejay PBunyan

  1. I apologize to PBunyan and MJA for splitting their showcase in half.
    This was a clerical error on my part.
    The first 2 repeat deejays will be PBunyan and MJA.
    Sorry about this.

  2. Yeah Neil Young is a liberal moonbat… Don’t know who it was that told him that he could sing, but I’m glad he did it. Still, I’ve always been able to separate him from his politics… Of the CSN&Y I’ve always liked Y better.. one of those weird quirks of DNA.. My daughter shared her Ipod with me once.. She has this odd liking of Young too through I had never shared it with her..

  3. 1. never could take much of Neil’s voice, but he did some very poignant, haunting lyrics w/ some great guitar accompaniment
    2. loved Walsh since his James Gang days …. great composer …. not too bad a picker either
    3. nothing better than anything done by Levon & the boys
    PB … you old hippie! 🙂

  4. Joe Walsh – The Confessor has been on my hits playlist for a long time, saw him with the Eagles in 1978/1979 (opening act Jimmy Buffet) at Florida Field my freshman year…good memories…what I can remember.

  5. I used to like Neil Young before he went all SJB (Social Justice Bully). I don’t listen to him or David Crosby any more. I think that musicians, actors, and other celebrities are idiots for publicizing their political views. You lose half your audience from that point on.

  6. Quinn, what Grocho said. I don’t know if I could put the reason into words, but Neil’s music and lyrics have always been special to me, even though he is politically misguided (like the most rock singers beside uncle Ted).

    And Molon, I’m actually kind of a young hippie as hippies go, having just past the half century mark a couple years back, but I’m the youngest of 9 and my older (oddly, mostly conservative) hippie siblings have influenced me a more than a bit.

    Thanks BFH & all!

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