Deep State For Kamala – IOTW Report

Deep State For Kamala

USA Herald

The National Security Leaders for America made headlines recently when they published a letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the White House. 

A total of 741 former high-ranking national security officials lent their names to this letter.

Among these individuals, nine had previously signed a 2020 letter saying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian Disinformation.” The letter was eventually proven to be a disinformation campaign by the Democrat campaign of Joe Biden. More

14 Comments on Deep State For Kamala

  1. “741 former high-ranking national security officials lent their names to this letter.”

    A Gigantic Hee-Haw for Hee-Haw Harris would be a good way for these knuckle draggers to show their approval.

  2. Seeing as Harris completely skirted the primaries and was anointed or selected, rather than elected, these toady buffoons have put their names to a confession of totalitarian intent, and the destruction of “our democracy.”

    “Treasonous pieces of shit.” in word and deed – and admittedly.
    But, what price Treason?
    If there is no price, Treason will metastasize into anarchy and dissolution.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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