Deep State Stunned Ukraine War Funding Excluded from Continuing Resolution – IOTW Report

Deep State Stunned Ukraine War Funding Excluded from Continuing Resolution


Speaker Kevin McCarthy scored a shocking victory over the deep state Saturday by securing House passage of a 45-day stopgap bill to keep the government open and cut off funding for Ukraine.

McCarthy’s victory seemed almost impossible as recently as this morning amid disagreements inside his own conference and a willingness among Democrats to shut down the government over Ukraine funding.

Yet as it became clear that momentum for a stopgap continuing resolution, or CR, without Ukraine funding was building, panicked Democrats began utilizing delay tactics, including a long filibuster speech from Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). More

The Senate measure also excluded funding for the war in Ukraine Here

And Biden signed the final bill last night. Crisis averted for a month-and-a-half. Here

20 Comments on Deep State Stunned Ukraine War Funding Excluded from Continuing Resolution

  1. “Speaker Kevin McCarthy scored a shocking victory over the deep state Saturday”

    Yes he did. And mean while the Grand Standers want him out. A lot of the government I could give a shit about getting paid. But when it comes to supplying our military, and paying our military, those people should get paid. Especially when we would have paid the Uke military, but not ours. Squirrelly shit.

  2. There is talk that McCarthy has worked out a side deal with McConnell and Democrats for some Ukraine funding. McCarthy truly is a lying crapweasel, and I hope Gaetz is able to end his time as speaker. Why Trump still goes to bat for the guy is mind-boggling.

  3. “crisis”?

    What crisis?

    1947- conservative, Dem, union president, “The government can never solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”
    He repeated it at least 3 time on Johnny’s show 50 years ago.
    I voted for him9 times!


  4. “There is talk that McCarthy has worked out a side deal with McConnell and Democrats for some Ukraine funding. McCarthy truly is a lying crapweasel,”

    Can you confirm this? Because the only place I see this being reported is The Gateway. No mention any place else I’ve visited. And the Gateways all about clicks.
    I’d give it 24 hours.

  5. Nothing is off the government table. A separate vote doesn’t matter. More money will be printed for the Ukrainian Nazy Party in no time – already has been decided. In 45 days or less it will be in Zelensky’s accounts with McCarthy’s blessings.

  6. Side deal,some how some way this is the process. DJT wantted it all to fall apart, like his 1st 2 years. His attempts to overthrow 2020 election failed, now he has to answer for this. This call of his will not succeed, it 2 has failed. America should just stop at his whim? No life goes on, Justice goes on. His cry will be felt in 2024, just not what he was planning on. Oh well. Peter Green.

  7. 45 day stop gap will shortly be history and the real fleecing will begin when a budget is passed giving Ukraine and the democrats all they want and more.

    Watch McCarthy bent over for Schumer and Pelosi, it’s sick political porn played out repeatedly.

    We’re getting further in debt ($33 Trillion,330 Billion) by the minute, but Congress doesn’t care, they have their big pay raise and Golden Parachute retirement system and we’ll get stuck with the bill.

    You would think Ryan or Boehner were still speaker.
    Let the political porn continue (each voting US Citizen owes ($255,564) in taxes to pay for our National Debt.

    Not to worry, the weasel Congress will pass it on to our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.


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