Deep Staters Brace for Impact – IOTW Report

Deep Staters Brace for Impact


Within this story, you discover the CIA, NSA, DNI, DIA, DOJ-NSD, Pentagon and State Dept all believe President Donald J. Trump is going to win the 2024 election.  If they didn’t fear and anticipate his victory, the Senate would not be taking action to control the ramifications of his pending victory [passing provision not allowing exit from NATO without senate approval].  That’s the context. Smile. More

12 Comments on Deep Staters Brace for Impact

  1. Don’t doubt it for a second. The wizards who brought us this mess failed to understand how many people would get angry. They also failed to appreciate how somebody even his own party didn’t like might pollute the well so thoroughly

    Consider one element – toy sales are apparently down this Christmas. By 8%.

    That’s because people are living paycheck to paycheck – even with 2 incomes. And Idiot still goes around pushing Bidenomics. Even in the Depression, people tried to make something out of Christmas. Not this year, apparently.

    Add to that all the promises of the Lefties going back to the late 60s – for women, blacks, Hispanics, kids – have all come due and nobody is pleased with the result.

    Even the big hit record this season is 65 years old.

  2. Oh hell no, HELL NO! Not everyone is doin bad, Snap benefits pay for my food, Section 8 pays my rent, free government phone, free government interet, free Omama care pays for heath care and government cash pays for everting else. Hallelujah & praise the Lord. Amen. When you go to war best be prepared for all scenarios.


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