Deep Web Spells Deep Doo Doo For Hillary – IOTW Report

Deep Web Spells Deep Doo Doo For Hillary

Looks like the FBI didn’t try hard enough.

PJ Media -PJ Media has learned from multiple sources that the House and Senate Intelligence Committees may have access to the contents of an Eastern European computer, potentially Russian, and that hackers may have exfiltrated Hillary Clinton’s and Sidney Blumenthal’s unsecured files by first hacking Marcel Lazar Lehel aka Guccifer.

One or more American whistleblowers recently informed the Intelligence Committees that the files taken by the unknown hackers are available at specific locations in the Deep Web.

A congressional source who is familiar with the information says these documents are being called for now “the Russian files.”  Getting them did not involve hacking Russians or anyone else, but rather locating the images that the files left behind while the unknown hackers moved them through the Deep Web.  When Clinton associates thought they were deleting her files, they may not have realized that files leave images even in the Deep Web when moved by hackers.

A preliminary review of the files indicated that they contain unclassified as well as potentially classified information, including one document relating to Benghazi that probably should have been highly classified and comes from one of Hillary Clinton’s private computers.


ht/ mel

25 Comments on Deep Web Spells Deep Doo Doo For Hillary

  1. Wait until Trump is president. Until then, any attempt to prosecute her will end in Obama giving her a pardon.

    Then they can also add Obama and all of the co-conspirators and jail them together.

    Their freedom should be ended.

  2. Proves the FBI is not incompetent or inept, just complicit.

    Hillary, integrity, honor, justice, laws, Obstruction of Justice, National security, treason or pay to play …what difference does it make if you are protected by the Presidency, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, Judiciary, Secret Service and the Dept. of State.

    Obstruction of Justice is Hillary’s calling card

  3. FBI: Fart, Burp, Itch

    Never forget that FBI agents have to have law or accounting degrees (or at least used to), but their managers and directors have no such requirement. I know of at least one senior administrator in the FBI who does not have a college degree at all.

  4. Uncle Al
    Long time fan of yours and have much respect. I have 25+ years in Aerospace, working with an engineer who did not finish his degree and who is the intellectual superior of everyone in the industry. Perhaps you did not intend to equate a degree with capability?

  5. How the hell did the FBI not get into the deep web. Either we are stuck in the mud trying to get out of the internet gate, or Comey had the information and chose to keep it quiet. I really hope its the latter, or we’re fucked.

  6. New headlines in media says they have all Hillary’s emails, trapped in the NSA files. So if Gowdy and Chaffetz have the cahones to get federal judges ordering the NSA to surrender the data files, maybe? but watch Oblipo jump up and command executive privilege. So probably waiting until Trump gets elected is best. Then he can unseal what Barky hid, as well as undo all Barky’s executive directives.

  7. Comey has trashed the reputation of the FBI beyond all hope. Trump will clean house at Quantico, and at Dept of Justice too. Barky, the Clinton Cartel, ValJar, Moochie, Pelosi, Reid, will all be fleeing the country ahead of the warrant servers and arresting officers. I hope Trump puts Interpol on their trails to bring them down. Filthy mad dogs to a person.

  8. I hope she hangs on and loses hugely, no indictment until after Barry is out of office where he cannot pardon her.
    Then Trump sics Chris Christi on her and he proceeds to go all wolverine on her and burrow under her and live off her carcass for years.

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