Deer Lick – IOTW Report

Deer Lick

ht/ tuesday

I love these types of videos, by the way. Here are some other classics-

16 Comments on Deer Lick

  1. I have a Dave Brubeck Joe Morello interwebs story.

    “Oh, he’s so cool he wears shades!” (referring to Joe)

    “Joe is legally blind.”

    “You fucking faggot!”

    I guess I deserved that. But Joe was blind. Another cool fact, Don, our illustrious audio cat at ABC, was an understudy of Joe.

    Don could fucking drum, too.

    And Ray, my Dad’s old boss, he could take two pencils, sharpened or not, on a fucking anvil, vise, and work bench, and make a fucking symphony.

  2. Ray, one time, cast off his sticks and brushes. He fingered his fucking kit. I could listen to this cat for 12 hours and every second be wowed. Ray was the best I ever heard. Still to this day the best. Ray Stager. I’m not sure I spelt that correctly. But Ray.

    He got so mad at me one time…

    “You can’t start in 3/4 and go to 4/4!”

    “That’s how the song goes, Ray.”

    He didn’t speak to me for 3 weeks.

    We worked in a band and he never even looked at me for 3 weeks.


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