Defacebook Wall – IOTW Report

Defacebook Wall



Yes, black lives matter.

But I’d like to hear the answer to this question –

“Do all black lives matter?” Because they don’t. And that’s the implication #BlackLivesMatter is trying to impart, and that’s my problem with BLM.

All white lives do not matter. Did the life of Jeffrey Dahmer matter? Not to me, and no one is going to compel me to care about that monster or convince me that his life mattered.

I post stories all the time about black people whose lives do not matter. The guy who was just arrested for burning a girl in a barrel. His life matters? Really? Show me which switch delivers the most amps and I’ll show you how much that guy’s life matters to me.

33 Comments on Defacebook Wall

  1. “Do all black lives?” short answer, no, not to BLM. The most dangerous place for a black child is in it’s mother’s womb.

    As for Facebook, don’t have an account, never will. Mr F#*kerberg can go forth and multiply himself.

  2. Why don’t the blacks and other ignorant whites participate in the White@ town hall to learn about the All Lives Matter movement. You can’t have equality without being equal.

  3. I quit Fece Book last summer after SCOTUS made their dumbass decisions regarding gay marriage and obummercare. I was so pissed that I couldn’t think straight and was going to unload on Fece Book, thought about and said to Hell with them. Ain’t going back, screw social media and I don’t miss all the damned cat videos either.

  4. No, you can’t have equality without being equal.

    But it’s never been about being equal. The blacks don’t want to be equal. They want to be superior.

    And when they realized they had no hope of making themselves superior to white man, they made it their purpose to tear down the white man and stomp him under their feet.

    That hasn’t been going well, as an example see the last 7 years.

    They had their rapture moment, a colored man elected to the white house.

    But they saw that their black messiah was nothing more than a chocolate colored white politician who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

    This has enraged the blacks, and now we have the rise of the BLM agitators. Their cry that Black Lives Matter is a continued desperate clarion call for black supremacy, to make sure that everyone knows they still have the objective to tear down all other races to their level.

    But they now have no mechanism to do that other than agitation. Due to this desperation look to the BLM movement to turn to SJW terrorism complete with bombings and high profile murders.

  5. Interesting, little pimple puss says that they can write anything they want along as he approves what they write. If not he will stamp his little foot in a fit of temper and call them names and question their dark ulterior motives! Democracy in action at buttbook! The little pig is far more equal because he got all the cash!

  6. Looking at that picture of those dingbats writing on their “wall”, I can’t help but think that “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

    They are all bowing down and submitting to Suckerberg’s agenda, being extra careful not to stray out of the bounds of his progressive ideology. They are well trained, but incredibly stupid. The perfect facebook employees.

  7. I refuse to play the FB game.
    I heard that after the five idiots redefined marriage, FB people plastered rainbows over their FB pages to support the perversion.
    Why was that acceptable?
    Speaking of which, I can’t stand those funky equal sign stickers.

  8. The monkeys were going to fling it on the walls anyway. I am surprised Zipperburg managed to train them to a particular wall.
    I bet that before doing that the whole place was starting to look like a bathroom stall at a truck stop.

  9. Bob-Anon Said “And when they realized they had no hope of making themselves superior to white man, they made it their purpose to tear down the white man and stomp him under their feet.”

    So true, as evidenced by the black chick holding the sign at the Clinton rally that said “We must bring them to heel.”

    Good luck with that.

  10. There is no one on the planet that is equal, we are all different so how can we be equal? We are what we make of ourselves.
    BLM can call back after they stop killing each other.

  11. Prime example of what a rich white liberal Jew boy has to offer the world. Why do black lives matter more than a white, Mexican, etc.? Is Bernie Sanders his father? Those people “defacing” his precious wall are only fighting back. Suck it Zuck!

  12. Can you imagine how Zuckerberg would have reacted back in his college days if someone like Mike Brown and a bunch of his friends crashed one of the nearly all white, leftist parties Zuckerberg attended? He would have pissed his pants. I bet Zuckerberg doesn’t pal around with your average Harlem citizen, either.

  13. Seriously detest that pompous self important little dispirit Zuckerberg. He thought he was so fucking important and brilliant because he “speaks Mandarin” that the asked Xi Jinping to name his inborn baby–because you know that getting some Asian chic as a wife is a status symbol for nerdy white western men–just ask Rupert Murdoch. Oh wait, wendi Deng turned out to be the ultimate gold digger–big shock!!

  14. Zuckerberg is treated like some sort of Social Media/Hi Tech Einstein, Freud, Watson etc when he’s nothing but a somewhat bright fellow who was smart enough (with the help of others) to grab onto someone else’s idea (Myspace), make some improvements, add some smart ways for people to link up and change the ways that ads are presented to the user and flog it as something new. He made a pile of money on this product which is now losing users and visitors at a ever increasing rate which is going to leave the shareholders that bought into this app holding the bag. Anyway, this guy gets so much press for his “profound” thoughts and ideas that he really ought to be embarrassed however he just believes his own myth all the more. Facebook is kind of fun but I suspect if the real books are shown you’ll see it losing money at a fast rate and the only growth is when they purchase other companies.

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