DEFEAT BOB MENENDEZ and vote for Brian Goldberg in the GOP primary! – IOTW Report

DEFEAT BOB MENENDEZ and vote for Brian Goldberg in the GOP primary!

Guest Post – Meerkat.

Regarding tomorrow’s NJ primary for U.S. Senate- Bob Menendez is in a bad position this year with his flights to Dominican Republic and child sex allegations. This is well known throughout the New Jersey electorate. So he’s vulnerable to the republican challenger. Bob Hugin is the favored republican, the pocket-rich former CEO of Celgene (Pharmaceuticals). He’s facing Brian Goldberg.

When my wife ran for office 4 years ago we got to meet Brian Goldberg. He supported her local campaign very generously due to her pure conservative Reagan values.

Hugin is a Bush/McCain/Romney republican, not necessarily on the Trump agenda, and here’s what our NJ newspaper’s “conservative” political columnist says about Goldberg:

“If this candidacy is any guide, Goldberg probably would not be an independent voice in the US Senate, but rather a parrot of Trump and probably a knee-jerk supporter of the president’s agenda.”

I don’t think this reporter realizes that true conservative and Trump supporters will read this and say, “that’s a great endorsement!”

Look at Trump and his first 500 days:

Dear New Jersey, Get out and vote on Tuesday, June 5th!  VOTE GOLDBERG! VOTE FOR SUCCESS, proven over the last 500 days!


9 Comments on DEFEAT BOB MENENDEZ and vote for Brian Goldberg in the GOP primary!

  1. Had to laugh listening to news radio on my way home from work yesterday and listening to Menendez and Schumer talking about the Democrat demands for Trump’s summit with Lil’ Rocket Man. Menendez saying that Trump should not make a deal just for the sake of making a deal! You mean just like Obama did? I could help but laugh at the projection being done.

    Schumer was no better, saying Trump better make a good deal this time, since he’s had his hat handed to him every time he is at the negotiation table.

    But I have no faith in NJ, they elected Murphy even after he came out and said he was going to raise everyone’s taxes and pretty much buttf–k the citizens where ever he could. Everybody moans, but they go back to electing the same Democrats over and over again.

  2. New Jersey voters don’t care. They elected a governor who self-identified as Linda Lovelace at turnpike truck stops, a corrupt billionaire who had a habit of crashing cars and investor accounts and this pedophile. NJ is, has been, and will always be a lost cause.

  3. “a parrot of Trump and probably a knee-jerk supporter of the president’s agenda.”

    what an endorsement for goldberg.

    what a bold strategy for the writer of the article it came from, i hope that works out well for him. not.

  4. @Chickenmom, I got probably 12 people that I am bringing to the polls, that’s before the kids music lessens, art classes, sports…and you? Please don’t be defeatist. It’s all in the multiples. I don’t mean to be offensive. Oh, yes I do! Get to know your elderly in your neighborhood! My wife did. She lost her election but now we have great contacts!

  5. Jeez Louise, I’m really getting tired of this Jersey bashing! Just bust all your light bulbs because we gave you Edison! What the hell! I’ve been hearing this New Jersey bashing since Johnny Carson. You think it’s stinky here? No! It’s actually quite nice in our state. We have a great shore line and great agriculture, and actually great people.
    Yes, we have stupid people, as you do, stupid Universities as you do, and stupid politicians as you do. But as someone has grown up in NJ and also experienced much of America, Europe, and Asia, I will tell you that New Jersey is GREAT. It is not the hell-hole you claim. It is the densest populated state, why? Oh! You didn’t know that! Why do people move from Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn to live in New Jersey?
    Idiots. You’re drinking the kool-ade.

    But I will give you this: New Jersey is fucking expensive. And you have to pull your own to live a practical life here.

  6. @Meerkat Brzezinski, I have in the past stuffed mailboxes along our road with voter registration applications and offers to drive them to the polls if they wanted a ride. Not one person responded. At nine o’clock this morning, Hubby and I were numbers 9 and 10 ready to vote. I do appreciate you taking people to the polls! Sometimes taking to neighbors how important voting is is like talking to a hay bale…


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