Defeat Crooked Hillary Any Way You Can – IOTW Report

Defeat Crooked Hillary Any Way You Can

17 Comments on Defeat Crooked Hillary Any Way You Can

  1. It’s the DOWN TICKET VOTE!!!

    Down ticket vote, I tell ya! That’s all that matters.

    We have the senate and the house and NOTHING gets done.
    Why? Obama.
    Have we turned the left into the PARTY OF NO?

    Nope. We’ve written nothing to send to him for him to veto, and
    we lose ground to the left daily.

    So, it’s vitally important that we retain the house and senate.
    So if we have Hillary, we can continue to lose ground to the left?

    It never occurs to these morons that while the DOWN TICKET!! voter is in the booth they could just simply give a pull of the lever to Trump, who *might* not be the vetoer of bills that Hillary would be, no matter how left they “suspect” Trump to be.

    What is the downside of a Trump presidency to the DOWN TICKET brigade?

    Uhhh, hmmm… uhhhh. Dunno.
    The likelihood of right-wing bills being signed into law?
    Right-wing SCOTUS picks? Are these the downside issues we
    should fear in a tRump presidency?

    Not sure the DOWN TICKET troupe is any smarter than #NeverTrump .
    In fact, they may be dumber.
    They are in the booth and still refuse to take a leap of faith that
    won’t be any worse than Hillary, and could be unbelievably fruitful.

  2. Since 2010 we have kicked ass on the down ticket! Taken the house and senate convincingly. What have the elephants done with it? Rubber stamped everything obama wants. I’ve had all I can stand…….and I can’t stand no more! Go TRUMP!!!

  3. BFH, I agree that we need to do all we can to bring down this filthy rotten stinking bleeding gaping prolapsed rectum/vagina that is Hillary Clinton….and after this election Paul Ryan you’re going to be the next prolapsed rectum that’s going down….

  4. Trump needs to thump the bible more. It’s the oldest con game there is.
    Tell the mark you know Jesus.
    They took my mother for several grand cause they said
    “Trust me I’m a Christan”
    So she did. And happy to do it too.

  5. Jobs plus we need more illegals rubbing their freebies in taxpayers faces.
    These stories need to get out.
    The general population needs to get PISSED!

    In my dreamworld blacks actually get the memo.
    What the fuck am I saying?
    They will still vote 90%+ democrat.
    Blacks are too far gone, just like New York, California, New Jersey, etc…

  6. Blacks turned out for Trump to the tune of 36% compared to Romney’s 6% (the reliable GOPe average). That was the primary. That is an unbelievably high number.

    Thumping the Bible more? Who are evangelicals going to vote for? A woman who wants post-birth “abortion” or a man who has seen the light and is pro-life?


  7. Powerful video.

    It won’t change a single Hillary voter’s mind. I know, I’ve talked with them. They’re seemingly intelligent but their ignorance is weapons grade. How much more egregious an act could she have committed then, WHILE STANDING OVER THEIR COFFINS, she lied right to the faces of their moms & dads & sisters & brothers?

    I have black acquaintances that I talk with infrequently(or text)-3 of them and 2 are married and their wives feel the same way, are solidly for Trump-they feel they’ve been bullshitted by Obama/Jarrett. If there ever was a Republican that can get more then 5% of the black vote, this is the man. He’s much richer then Romney but he didn’t earn his wealth ala Gordon Gekko, he’s created jobs, he unabashedly campaigns with blacks. Blacks aren’t missing this. Diamond & Silk are cute(and not my cup of tea) but can you imagine something like that happening for McCain or Romney??? Not in a million years.

    If the black vote were to drop into the 70% range, the dems would never win another national election. It’s why they’re for open borders and massive legal immigration, they want a fresh supply for insurance. Why in the world the likes of Ryan/McConnell, who favor this, are in leadership in our party is a mystery right up there with the Holy Spirit.

    I think the second most important race is the WI primary. If we can primary Ryan out, especially in WI, wow, it will send a shock wave through the country. I’ve made 3 donations-every even $5 helps.

  8. All of the above and for all you Females out there, I have no problem voting for a woman, but it has to be the right woman. She has to be a qualified candidate. Anyone who is going to vote for the Hillbag just because she’s a woman had better take a good look at where we are today because you voted for a Black man just because he’s Black! Hillary is a shameless, manipulative, foul, anti-semetic, crooked, nasty, old woman with a voice so shrill it will make yer ears squint and a level of dishonesty that is only exceeded by absolute unbridled greed and lust for money & power and that hardly make her the right candidate by any measure!!

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