Defense Lawyer Who Told Drunk Drivers in Commercial Not To Call Him Gets Busted For Drunk Driving – IOTW Report

Defense Lawyer Who Told Drunk Drivers in Commercial Not To Call Him Gets Busted For Drunk Driving

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David J. Maloney made numerous commercials where he mocked people who called him for representation after a DUI charge. He said, “not only will I not represent you, I will go after you.”

Look at him now —–>Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 11.27.12 AM

Well, we know that Maloney won’t defend himself. Maybe he’ll be the lawyer that goes after Maloney?


ht/ The Big Owe

7 Comments on Defense Lawyer Who Told Drunk Drivers in Commercial Not To Call Him Gets Busted For Drunk Driving

  1. I’m sure he’ll have trouble living with himself.
    And even if he doesn’t suffer self-guilt because he has no conscience, we’ll all take great pleasure in reminding him that he is a hypocritical douchebag lawyer.

  2. It wasn’t his fault.
    Y’see, all that anti-lawyer bias drove him to drink … and … and … well, he HAD to get home … didn’t he?

    Maloney … ain’t drinking and driving part of his heritage … or something? Gotta be a good lie in here, somewhere …

    izlamo delenda est …

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