Define “Assault Rifle” – IOTW Report

Define “Assault Rifle”



Merriam-Webster online went back to its entries and updated the term “assault rifle” yesterday. While their usage better matches what the gun grabbers seem to mean, this update is less precise, ending up including a lot more weapons. More

Addendum: I did a quick copyright search and found that “Chartered Industries of Singapore Private, Ltd” actually owns the term in relation to making firearms. Why they don’t take advantage of all the free publicity is anyone’s guess.

30 Comments on Define “Assault Rifle”

  1. Last Christmas I got a salt rifle. It shoots about 30 grains of salt at a time and it’s for shooting flies. It works pretty good, but you end up having to clean up some salt.

  2. To a gun grabber, my Ruger 10/22 is an “assault rifle”. It’s long past time to debate any of these goddamn morons on guns. If they’re not going to study the issue properly, then it only shows that their only goal is the complete removal of all gun rights for everyone they want sent to a gulag.

  3. @joe6. Careful kid. You’ll put yer eye out.

    But seriously, everything is an assault weapon if used to assault someone. I’ve got a scary black cast iron skillet that’ll mess you up real good.

  4. PHenry, funny you should say that. I had a single grain of salt bounce back off a window and went right into the corner of my eye. It bothered me for a couple hours.

  5. So an assault rifle is also “…a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle…” Very circular Merriam-Webster, now you have to create a definition for “military assault rifle” since that’s made-up non-sense too.

  6. I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know that I have an assault plate with ham and egg residue in front of me, my assault cup is full of hot coffee, hot enough to get that assault upgraded to aggravated, I have a stainless assault fork, armed with multiple tines, and my desk has a cup of assault pencils and stapler, and the stands on my twin assault monitors make dandy handles in case I want to take them up and lay about with vigor.

  7. Class III – NFA – full-auto.


    Anyone who can’t figure THAT out – dictionaries included – should probably go visit Upchuck Todd on GOODER Friday, and practice DEEP breathing in a dry-cleaning bag… 🙄

  8. @TN, the assault rifles back then were the Pennsylvania Jager and the Kentucky long rifle.
    So, truth be told, some of the citizens were better armed than the Brits.

  9. @joe6. My sister sent me one of those bug-a-salt rifles last year. Even though it’s yellow and green I’m terrified of it. If it was black I’d have to get my pacifier and blanket and hide in my safe space.

  10. assault knives
    assault hands
    assault bombs
    assault gun

    What happened to the rest of the sentence?

    assault (verb) with a[n] object (noun)

    he is in jail for his assault (noun) on children using/shooting (verb) a[n] object (noun).

    noun, verb, noun.

    incorrect: he is in jail for his assault (noun) on children using/shooting (verb) an assault (verb) object (noun). (noun, verb, verb, noun).

    Doesn’t mean gun grabbers can’t tack on a definition to a nonsense word. It’s what children do daily.

  11. The purpose of tyranny is to tyrannize.
    The purpose of those who support tyranny is to disarm all opposition to tyranny.
    Supporters of tyranny may be useful idiots or thoughtful morons who are unable to either connect the proper dots or are so invested in their narrative that they no longer apprehend the dangers inherent in a disarmed populace.
    They assume the mantle of nihilistic fatalists and tell us that even if the Jews had been armed they’d have been unable to stop the Holocaust, the Ukraines the Holodomor, and the Armenians the Genocide – as though it would have been better for the Jews to simply accept their fate under National Socialism, the Ukraines theirs under Stalinism, and the Armenians theirs under izlam.

    I don’t know, but that seems, at least to me, unacceptable.

    (we could go on with Cambodians, Chinese, Venezuelans, Rhodesians, South Africans, Cubans, Russians, Byelorussians, Cossacks, Vietnamese, Laotians, Chicagoans, New Yorkers, Polacks, Czecks, Bosnians, Montenegrins, Serbians, Bulgars, Yugoslavians, Bostonians, &c., &c., &c. Kinda funny, really, that with the list of oppression and mass murder so long, it’s completely ignored by the gun-grabbing traitors in gov’t, academia, and the press.)

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. In the year that Chicago implemented their “assault weapons” ban, more people were killed there with golf clubs than assault weapons.

    Now, shouldn’t that simple fact make even the more ardent gun-grabbing traitors (and their useful idiots and academic and press lickspittles) pause?

    But no – facts can NEVER get in the way of tyranny, oppression, and the culmination of the socialist dystopia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. A rolling pin is not a pin ‘specially in the hands of a pissed off Mom; it’s an effing deadly weapon
    Other things I learned about weapons:
    Anything can be an “assault weapon” if used in an assault.
    A nail clippers, a hedge clippers, a hammer, a chisel, a knitting needle, a kitchen knife, a frozen Leg of Lamb (Hitchcock), and so on.
    “Assault Rifle” is a leftist political term used to scare the shit out of the LoFo’s. Talking heads on TV use the term constantly, yet they cannot define it.
    The AR in AR-15 does not mean Assault Rifle or Automatic Rifle. It means ArmaLite Rifle, named after the company that developed it in the 1950’s. The first time I heard the term Assault Rifle was when Gunny Sgt. Highway used it in “Heartbreak Ridge” when describing the AK-47, “the preferred weapon of our enemy, the Russians.”
    That wraps it up for the day boys and girls. Have a great Easter and Passover.

  14. FAUX machine gun
    The reason the answer is a carefully crafted talking point each time a dem is asked any question is to define the meaning of words and focus thoughts.

  15. “Great! Now let Merriam-Webster re-define “inalienable”. Who cares what Merriam-Webster thinks?”

    It doesn’t matter what MW thinks; the definition of “assault rifle” is defined by law.

  16. It’s my opinion an “Assault Rifle” MUST share the following fetures of the MP44 “Sturmgewehr” (after all this is the first weapon called an “assault rifle” or “sturmgewehr” so dubbed by A. Hilter):
    1. A shoulder fired rifle chambered for an intermediate power round.
    2. Capable of selectable semi or full auto fire.
    3. A detachable magazine with 30 rd capacity.

    If a rifle doesn’t have ALL of these features, it is NOT an assault rifle.

  17. All I know is I’d rather be killed by an assault rifle than a baseball bat. Or a knife.
    Or drowning. And I’d rather be killed by an atomic bomb at ground zero rather than
    any of the above. Vaporized before the pain from the nerve impulses can reach the brain, that’s the way to go.



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