“Definitely Gay” – IOTW Report

“Definitely Gay”

Summit News

Barack Obama came out in favour of school porn books for kids Monday, prompting his own brother [Malik Obama] to tweet “this man is definitely gay.”

Obama sent out a letter claiming that “the books that shape my life” are under threat of being banned in schools and that “librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.”

He continued, “it’s no coincidence that these ‘banned books’ are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.” More

24 Comments on “Definitely Gay”

  1. “…librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day…”

    …easily one of the stupidest, most hyperbolic, asinine and insulting things I’ve ever heard, and coming from THIS guy, that’s really SAYING something.

  2. Don’t forget 0bama’s body man, Reggie Love. The coke they found in the White House may have been left over from 0bama – he admitted he used in college but he never said if he quit.

  3. Speaking of “definitely gay”, was this bizarre story get missed in this site:

    American Soldier deliberately crosses into North Korean territory at the DMZ border.

    Here’s the deal. A new DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) American “soldier” – queer, black trans deviate, already in touble with the American military was on his way back to the U.S. to be disciplined. He left South Korean airport and joined a tour group in South Korea and literally runs through the North Korean Demilitarized Zone – laughing all the way!

    Who didn’t see this coming. Allowing the mentally ill to serve in the military, (as planned by enemies of The United States of America) will destroy/weaken the military. Can’t wait to see how fast this news gets buried or excused by leftist media.

  4. As others have pointed out, no books are being “banned”, anyone who wants them can order them from Amazon or their local bookstore. Just don’t put them in a children’s school library!

  5. Barry advocates for these perverted books because he wants other people’s children to turn out just as warped as he is – especially boys – most often the targets of LGBTQ.

    These books instructing children about how to perform deviant sexual acts. Books that validate his groomed childhood facilitated by Frank Marshal Davis and Larry Sinclair and all his queer father figures.

    Here is an enlightening American Thinker article from 2020 discusses some of Barry’s encounters with Davis and Sinclair;
    https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/08/obama_i_make_love_to_men_daily.html .

  6. I’m pretty sure not one of these books was available in the library when he was in school. So just how did they influence and shape his life ? Who would’ve given a kid such books back then except perverts? I don’t think a librarian back in those days would’ve made it too far with those books in the library so like everything else from BHO its fake like his composite girlfriend.


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