Defunding Wuhan: Congress Quietly Bans Federal Funds for Labs in China, Russia and Iran – IOTW Report

Defunding Wuhan: Congress Quietly Bans Federal Funds for Labs in China, Russia and Iran

JTN: While U.S. intelligence has been unable in two years to determine for sure if COVID-19 leaked from a Chinese lab, Congress has decided it no longer wants to take the risk of funding medical research at labs controlled by Beijing or other American adversaries.

With little fanfare and in bipartisan fashion, House appropriators quietly amended the 2023 federal budget for health and science agencies on Thursday to ban any funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which U.S. intelligence fears may have been the origin point for the coronavirus pandemic, and other labs like it.

“None of the funds made available by this Act may be made available to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any other laboratory located in a country determined by the Secretary of State to be a foreign adversary, including China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran,” reads the amendment approved by the House Appropriations Committee. more

20 Comments on Defunding Wuhan: Congress Quietly Bans Federal Funds for Labs in China, Russia and Iran

  1. Kcir – July 2, 2022 at 8:00 pm “…Give them a bill for 13 Trillion. ”

    13 Trillion would come close. But, also out of the additional pockets of the members of the WEF back into the economies of the world they attempted to destroy and cull.

    For the ones they culled. This is a separate issue. The world will be coming after those for what they did. Their leader and his contributing lackeys face Nuremberg 2.0. May this come forward and complete.

    He has been a very bad boy. May his mother spit upon him.

  2. These Bio Labs pose a bigger threat to humanity than anything else. What kind of sick son of a bitch thinks it’s a good idea to Weaponize diseases that normally only occur in other species and spread them to humanity. These people deserve to be tracked down and eliminated.

  3. Brad, I know you know this, but it’s all about power…and control. And, playing God. The elites don’t believe in God, so in their mind they ARE God. Woe to them, for it will not end well for them.

  4. Brad,

    It’s perceived until they are able to force their will upon the masses (i.e., masks, lockdowns, experimental jabs and censorship. Then what?

    I already know your answer. But when is that tipping point reached?

  5. It’s worse than perceived power. It’s applied power, and it is being used against the population of the world. This is the worst threat peaceful people have ever faced, and it is being brought upon us by those that are supposedly in charge.


  6. Joe6

    They are applying perceived power. It’s perceived because right now they don’t have the power. If we remain cowards, they will have all the power. And soon.

  7. Interesting how they didn’t defund the Zelensky-Biden Ukraine biolabs and those on US soil. Don’t be fooled—China is a FRIEND of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Clintons, and their vulgar profiteering families. After all, it’s Communist China who manufactures and exports all those disease-saturated masks and false-positive covid test kits, many of which are falsely labeled as “US-made”.


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