DEI Must DIE – IOTW Report


ht/ jdhasty

23 Comments on DEI Must DIE

  1. Just a thought. Everyone’s pointing their finger at Boeing. And that maybe the case, but I personally doubt it. The majority of the Planes self destructing are not due to design. They’re due to maintenance issues from the airlines that own those planes. Just sayen this is far from just a Boeing problem.

  2. This ignores the other end of the pipeline. Air traffic controllers and pilots are also using the express lanes; no standards, no testing, and no qualifications except being the right color or having double X chromosomes.

  3. Duh Edjumakayshun sistim is terning owt Reetards.


    A Chain of participation award winners & self entitled snowflakes.

  4. “Air traffic controllers and pilots”

    And yes that’s where the real danger to life a limb lay. Aero design, manufacture, assembly, and repair are controlled by AS 9100 and monitored. Supposedly. Hiring the bus driver and the person in the control tower, not so much.

  5. I flew on a B-17 Flying Fortress a few years back. I never felt safer on any airplane. I had much confidence in the people who had built her back then. Today is different. I used to work with affirmative action knuckleheads and I can tell you that those goofy bastards are dangerous to be around.

  6. 20 years ago I retired from aerospace because I could.
    They were doing this then, all the stopgap workers have since retired/died and this is the result of brown bodies over reliability.
    One of the most frustrating assignments in my career was trying to being a DEI hire into the 20th century.
    It was beyond his ability to see that .250 and 1/4 was the same thing.
    “Wut dat mean?” brought me to tears.

  7. Quotas and DEI are methods of turning Corporate America into a welfare adjunct.
    It’s pretending that the more worthless among us aren’t.
    As asserted many times, the negroes and other “minorities” (mexicants, whatever) should just be assigned some degree at birth – a High School Diploma, BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD, DDS, MD, EdD, whatever, in proportion to those earned by those who actually earn them and then force Corporate America to hire these worthless maggots at the prevailing rate. They shouldn’t be allowed to show up – just have their checks auto-deposited.

    Whachu be, T’kila?
    I bees a PhD in Rocket Sturgery, yo!
    Shit, muffukkuh, I juss be a Air Traffuck Troller.
    Klitoris gotza PoPo Cap’an!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Sadly, Corporate America is falling for the bullshit w/o so much as a whimper.

    Excellence is “white supremacist.”
    Achievement is “patriarchal.”
    Knowledge is “oppressive.”
    Critical thinking is “racist.”
    Success is “sexist.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. From DEI to schools to open borders to trans to abortions, everything we’re doing to ourselves and the nation, it’s all self harm. Its as if we’re committing slow suicide.

  10. Remember the Army’s TV commercial theme “Be All That You Can Be”?
    Imagine that playing in the background to scenes of some “thing” transitioning through all the so-called “genders” while standing in uniform.


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