Delightful: Mexicans Burn Trump in Effigy with Pre-Easter Ritual – IOTW Report

Delightful: Mexicans Burn Trump in Effigy with Pre-Easter Ritual

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Mexicans torched a Donald Trump effigy and cheered as the replica of the Republican presidential front runner exploded during its annual burning of the Judas festival on Saturday.

The popular ritual in Mexico City, which takes place before Easter and symbolizes Jesus’s victory over evil, drew hundreds of spectators who chanted “Death!” as the 10-foot-tall Trump papier mache was ignited, the Washington Post reports.

“For Latinos here and in the U.S., he’s a danger, a real threat,” Leonardo Linares, an effigy-maker who presided over one of the many block parties across Mexico, told the newspaper. “He’s a good man to burn as a Judas.”

23 Comments on Delightful: Mexicans Burn Trump in Effigy with Pre-Easter Ritual

  1. Somewhere along the way these “catholics” lost their bearings from what Christ and Christianity means…deny them access to our country without proper legal process and they go all loco in da cabesa…have another tamali, Pedro……..

  2. Rat-people can’t help being rat-people.

    But these foolish rat-people have the extra-added stupidity of reinforcing Mr. Trump’s narrative.

    Thank you, rat-people!
    You’ve done Mr. Trump a service.

    See, rat-people … we know that what you rat-people DON’T like is what’s GOOD for America! So, Eat Shit and Die!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. You know you are a country in serious decline when the wetbacks get the best of you! The greasers owe us about five hundred billion dollars for the money we have paid out for the care and keeping of 30-40 million of their worthless asses!

  4. It’s kinda sad and pathetic when you really consider that Americans aren’t sitting around fretting over whatever enema nozzle happens to be running for Emperor of Mexico but those asshole rat-people have nothing better to do than bring their begging bowls, drugs, prostitutes, and murderers to the border and howl like mad dogs at who the Republican front runner is!

    What a worthless country.

    America is neither the problem nor the solution to what ails you, you fucking morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And you want me to believe that all these widely scattered groups thought of this all on their own , all by themselves?? Riiiiight.
    (sniff sniff sniff) Methinks I smell a Libtard in the woodpile. As usual.

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