DELINGPOLE: Great Barrier Reef Still Not Dying, Whatever Washington Post Says… – IOTW Report

DELINGPOLE: Great Barrier Reef Still Not Dying, Whatever Washington Post Says…


‘The Great Barrier Reef is dying’ claims the Washington Post.

This is classic fake news.


Like the thriving polar bear, like the recovering ice caps, like the doing-just-fine Pacific islands, the Great Barrier Reef has become a totem for the liberal-left not because it’s in any kind of danger but because it’s big and famous and photogenic and lots and lots of people would be really sad if it disappeared.

But it’s not going to disappear. That’s just a #fakefakenews lie designed to promote the climate alarmist agenda.

The annoying thing is, though, whenever I write another piece like this one – Shock Study: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Doing Just Fine – I get besieged by greenies on Twitter telling me what an evil denier I am.

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4 Comments on DELINGPOLE: Great Barrier Reef Still Not Dying, Whatever Washington Post Says…

  1. the professional, astro-turfed billions-funded Environmental Industry always says they are Out To Do Good, but like all Leftists, they are only Out To Do Well For Themselves.

    Despicable. Corrupt.

  2. We should turn the Great Barrier Reef over to government environmentalists, and watch them destroy it faster than any evil profit oriented industry can.

  3. I’m tired of hearing this crap , while growing up we mostly heard of beautiful places as just that. Today kids & adults hear only how Bad everything is.
    These are sad – negative and hateful people we have explaining their opinion of what nature is and Isn’t to us.

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