DeLisle: Why I’m a Republican – IOTW Report

DeLisle: Why I’m a Republican

360 News Las Vegas:

By Dr. Steven DeLisle DDS, JD.

Have you ever been asked “why are you a Republican?”  Did you have difficulty articulating the reason for your affiliation?  Maybe you answered something like “Democrats are Socialists” or “I believe in limited government…”  If you did not have a bedrock answer for why you vote Republican, that’s okay, neither did I until I read the Republican Platform of 1856.  Stay with me….

In 1854 the Republican Party was explicitly formed to stop the western expansion of slavery into the Territories. The recently passed Kansas-Nebraska Act removed the prohibition on slavery into the territories.  Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery sympathizers flooded Kansas to influence whether Kansas would be admitted into the union as a free state or slave state.

After years of violence, fraudulent elections, voter intimidation, and attacks on the press by “Border Ruffians”, the Republican Party drafted a Platform in 1856. This platform enshrined the values that would define the Republican Party and still apply to this day. That document revisits the founding principles of our country, and like the Declaration of Independence indicts those who violated Fundamental Rights. The 1856 Platform states: MORE

5 Comments on DeLisle: Why I’m a Republican

  1. The problem is, the leadership and most rank and file in the Republican party are COMPLETELY corrupt.

    Names of parties just don’t mean much anymore. “Conservative”, or “Originalist” mean something.

  2. Thank you, Dr. DeLisle for standing up for the principles that make me proud to be a Republican, despite the interloping communists, elitists and Democrats who have infiltrate the Republican party.
    They must be removed and rendered powerless. That’s the main task the real Republican party members have to deal with. No more compromise. Real Republicans need to fight for our party – defend the origin like Dr. DeLisle has and stop abandoning it – weakening the Republican power base which still exists.

  3. well, there is that tricky bit were President Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus & the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ruled against him … & Lincoln blew him off anyway …

    one doesn’t ‘suspend’ the Constitution when it’s ‘convenient’ or declared an ’emergency’ … discuss ‘draconian’ & ‘principles’

    remember ‘W’ when he said, ” I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system”? …. same twisted logic

  4. Being thoroughly fed up with Republican leadership, I have maintained GOP registration SOLELY to vote in their primaries, but now Florida has foolishly voted for open primaries so I may switch to the Constitution Party (Wild Bill’s favorite) or go NPA.


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