“Delta Karen” has a sad history – IOTW Report

“Delta Karen” has a sad history

‘Delta Karen’ arrested previously for DUI, spent time in psych ward after alleged violent attack on parents.

BPR: It turns out the former Raiders cheerleader has a history of brushes with the law and unhinged behavior, according to the New York Post. In November, she allegedly fought with police officers in Florida during her arrest for driving under the influence.

Cornwall reportedly drove her gray Nissan into a tree in Santa Rose Beach on Nov. 10 according to court and police records. She proceeded to fight with the officers who arrived on the scene. She evidently refused to get out of her car or give them her name at the time. When Cornwall did exit the vehicle, she started “going after” the first responders according to authorities.

“She said she was not hurt and then became belligerent,” a Walton County sheriff’s deputy noted.

“Once we stopped her she tried to fight us,” the deputy claimed in a statement. “At that point, she was detained for her safety and ours.” more here

22 Comments on “Delta Karen” has a sad history

  1. She never had develop her brain because being Pretty got her most of what she wanted.

    Frankly, I don’t even care for looks even when she was younger.

  2. I watched part of Patricia Cornwall’s, (AKA Patty Breton’s,) “breakout” movie, “Playboy Cheerleaders, 1997.” Patty should’ve gotten an Oscar. You can find it on Googoo with, “Playboy Cheerleaders 1997 Playboy Patty Breton Carmen Electra.”


    P.S. Don’t forget to bring eye bleach.

  3. I would chalk it up to being a spoiled entitled See You Next Tuesday. Every damn bit of it. The psychological issues impresses me excuse making and not very convincing excuse making at that.

    More likely than not this is learned behavior that was picked up when she was a halfway decent looking piece of ass and worked that for all it’s worth.

  4. Sooner or later you cross the line one too many times. Bet she never anticipated this much national exposure (pun intebded) when she started off first on the flight attendant and then on the old man.

    Hopefully this will be the rock bottom that moves her to seek real help. Unfortunately, her history would suggest otherwise. Most likely a train wreck in progress.

  5. I suspect a lifetime of anti-depressants. I recall she admitted to missing a dose prior to the flight. She’s so dependent on them that it would take way more than a month in a psych ward to ween her, if it is even possible at this point.

  6. I really miss the old days when people like this would be committed to a mental hospital where they would get the treatment they needed, and if/when cured, should then rejoin the ranks of sane, productive citizens. Back then, we didn’t have a homeless problem, and democrats were not nearly as insane.

  7. Big difference between her cheerleader dayz and now. Looks like she waz rode hard and put away wet.

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