Delta Variant Being Oversold To Keep the Uninformed Under Government Control – IOTW Report

Delta Variant Being Oversold To Keep the Uninformed Under Government Control

Fauci recently made this statement-

“The Delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate COVID-19” 

As Rush taught us all, you have to hone your ability to read between the lines and stay one step ahead of these totalitarian threats to your liberty.

When did the goal become to “eliminate” Covid-19?

We’ve seen parody videos of Fauci, in the year 2051, talking about maybe possibly venturing outdoors with two masks, not the recently imposed government mandate of 5 masks, “next summer.”

The parodies are not at all hyperbolic. This fascist midget is getting off on this power trip. We are not going to eliminate Covid-19, so, what’s he all about?

Delta Variant has been trotted out, calling it more “dangerous” than the original novel form. If forced to define dangerous they would stridently declare that it is more transmissible, but leave out the part that the Delta Variant is toothless in its deadliness.


Debunking the scaremongering over the ‘delta variant’ of COVID

25 Comments on Delta Variant Being Oversold To Keep the Uninformed Under Government Control

  1. Well Da Fauch certainly knows how to get the rapt attention of all the dumbed-down, teeth-gnashing, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, panty-wetting, Politically Correct, short-attention-span, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisturizing-metro-sexual, homo-sexual, pan-sexual, beast-sexual Progressives!

  2. My doc REALLY REALLY REALLY wants me to get vaccinated as my doc did have a patient die of COVID-19. My doc comes from a good place because my doc doesn’t want me to be like the other patient. Dead. I understand the concern but AIN’T EVAH GONNA HAPPEN!

  3. “People cannot feel safe just because they had the two doses. They still need to protect themselves,””

    People, no matter what they do, they absolutely cannot cure a flu or a cold. period. “Vaccines” and masks are useless.
    It’s here, it’s queer, get used to it.

    Biden’s handlers are paying off pharma just like 0bama paid off his friends at big solar. That’s all.

    Where’s that cancer cure Biden was assigned to find???
    All that money given and he did nothing. 6 people “helping” him got PAID. That’s all.

  4. And yet none of these experts promote having a healthy immune system obtained thru a good organic, non gmo diet and supplementation.

    …or safe, cheap and proven therapeutics like HCQ and Ivermectin. Nope, just endless jabs, lockdowns and masking.

  5. Whilst on-site at a client’s house, I was working about three feet from the “manny” (that’s cutesy-pie for a male nanny) having a phone conversation with someone about covid. It was one long string of CNN’s/Fauci’s horseshit. He wrapped it up by saying, “If it makes others feel more safe, I’ll gladly wear a mask for as long as it takes. I mean, like, look at the drop in the number of just regular ‘flu cases last winter! Dude! Yeah, dude, who wants to get the ‘flu and colds and all those other yucky (yes, he said “yucky) illnesses, dude!”

    I would add that this manny was in about his early thirties, dude. I wanted to, but didn’t want to waste my time, asking him how much he knows about how the human immune system works. Boy in a bubble.

  6. Everything we eat now is a hybrid.
    I did a post a while back about what fruit used to look like before we made them look the way they are today.
    They were scary as hell and seeds were giant and random. lol!

    BUT- I do hate seedless watermelon. It’s gross and watery. I think they went from flavorful seeded watermelon to watermelon for lazy people.

    Buy seeded watermelon. (No, I don’t work for Big Watermelon)

  7. I’m confused…Wasn’t Fauci exposed as a criminal and a liar last week? And yet, here we are this week, being spoon-fed more Faucisms, as if none of the damning information about the evil little goblin ever existed? WTF?

  8. It is what they do- they sell fear.
    Just stay in your house, fearful, and watch tv. They will sell you desire through covetousness and jealousy. They will help you borrow money so you can look rich. They’ll manipulate your neurochemistry.
    They will reward you with encouraging endorphins, and you will end up in the end an orphan, having lost the Fatherhood of God and his provision to us, of Liberty.

  9. Thirdtwin- The media won’t be convinced and that’s who is paid to bullshit.
    However, the people who were on the fence, now see Fauci as a POS liar.
    It’s them who will spread the message to their friends and family, not the media.

  10. India beat Covin-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Zinc, at 50¢ per/person. It wasn’t until they started vaccinating that the virus spiked.
    So the vaccine is the source of the “Delta variant”.

  11. Fauci is like the boy who dried wolf once too often, most of us are onto his bs and don’t believe a damn word he says. I sure as hell don’t, I’m scheduled for prostate surgery in August and there is no way in hell I will be vaccinated for COVID before hand. The results from my bone scan and CT scan showed that I have no signs of cancer which is a huge relief. Why does anyone still believe anything this lying asshole has to say?

  12. From which country is Fauci making all his tv appearances and statements? He has bought property in several different foreign countries. When was the last time he appeared in person anywhere?

  13. Fauci.. arrest him… charge him with Crimes Against Humanity… assemble a Nuremburg style tribunal… try him… find him guilty… execute by hanging by the neck until dead… bury in an unmarked grave.

  14. Fear is the number one tool used to control a population. History has demonstrated that from time immemorial. Keep the population in fear and you can implement any policy you desire.

    People. Have. To. Wake. Up!

  15. @Badco

    There is one nation that is serious minded enough that a “public health” who downplayed ivermectin has been arrested and charged with homicide and could face the death penalty

    This is happening in East Bengal in India. India, for those who didnt know lost 20 million people in the the 1918 flu epidemic. A history like that can make you the grownups in the room about this virus .. can make exploiting it for political gain unthinkable.

  16. The greatest threat to Mickey Mauci, is MILLIONS of AMERICANS coming to D.C., looking to throw down a Mark 1-A ass-whoopin’ on his beady-eyed, ratfink ass! 😡


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