Delusional Merkel Says Her Immigrant Policies Were “A Success” – IOTW Report

Delusional Merkel Says Her Immigrant Policies Were “A Success”

One of the most infuriating characteristics of the left is that no matter what the consequences of their actions are it matters little, because they feel they are superior people.


Despite clear evidence of spikes in violent crime, mass sexual assaults and numerous terror attacks, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested her 2015 decision to allow a million migrants to enter the country was a success.

Talk about re-writing history.

During an interview with Deutsche Welle, Merkel was asked if her infamous quote from an August 2015 press conference about Germany’s ability to absorb large numbers of refugees, “wir schaffen das,” which translates to “we can do it,” still applies.

“Yes, we did it,” she responded, adding that despite some setbacks, “positive stories” emerged from the policy.

To illustrate the absurdity of the claim, it was made shortly after a Syrian migrant stabbed four people on a high-speed ICE train.

However, Merkel was forced to accept there had been some “dreadful incidents, like what happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne,” a reference to when North African migrants sexually molested and raped around a thousand German women in one night.


10 Comments on Delusional Merkel Says Her Immigrant Policies Were “A Success”

  1. It’s a success story if that was her objective to begin with. Just like Biden today, the objective is to demoralize the population and kill people. Ask Biden and he will tell you what a glorious success story his administration is.

  2. Few of Her Policies are/were “A SUCCESS.”
    The cost of the EU can not be sustained.
    The same can be said about parts of the US.
    Makes me wonder how “the Daegel forcast” will play out.

  3. Sorry to ruin everyone’s dinner but…

    She must be forcing some of the migrants to Pork her.

    Poor Bastages, won’t eat ribs but they have to chow down on her.

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