Dem Agenda for Minnesota Features Abortions and Recreational Pot – IOTW Report

Dem Agenda for Minnesota Features Abortions and Recreational Pot

The DFL (Democratic – Farmer – Labor Party) took complete control of Minnesota’s state government this week. Disaster

Their first order of business is to enshrine abortion into state law. Codified

Their second priority is recreational marijuana. High

Depending on the prevailing winds, this could be bad for my part of Wisconsin. – Dr. Tar

12 Comments on Dem Agenda for Minnesota Features Abortions and Recreational Pot

  1. After living in the pot state of Nevada the past few years, it’s patently obvious that reefer makes people paranoid AS FUCK!
    I see it all the time here.

    You watch, in 20 years if this country still exists, a large portion of it will be unrecognizable…

  2. “….proposal as “one of the most extreme” in the country for not including parental notification requirements or restrictions on abortions after a certain point in pregnancy.”


  3. Wild Bill
    JANUARY 6, 2023 AT 4:50 PM
    “….proposal as “one of the most extreme” in the country for not including parental notification requirements or restrictions on abortions after a certain point in pregnancy.”

    …i.e. pedophiles making it easy for pedophiles.

  4. What brings this Leftist fascination with killing innocent babies? How does it square with their equal enthusiasm for freeing murderers? Is it just the abdication of any responsibility for each person’s actions? Doesn’t that remove a presupposition of a moral consciousness? Which in turn is what differentiates humans from mere animals?

  5. They’ll shoehorn in gun control once they get their other progressive agenda items taken care of.
    Real Estate in Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas just went over to a sellers’ market.

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine January 6, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    “in 20 years if this country still exists, a large portion of it will be unrecognizable…”…..

    …YUP! How Very True! Especially after my Dad had just related to me this same historical observation just a mere 20 years hence.


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