Dem Cory Booker backpedals: ‘I’m not going to rush to impeachment’ – IOTW Report

Dem Cory Booker backpedals: ‘I’m not going to rush to impeachment’

WaExaminer: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker on Sunday said he and members of the Democratic Party should hold back from talking about impeaching President Trump.

“I just wanted to tell you right now, I’m not going to rush to impeachment. I think we need to deal with this in a very sober way. This can’t be a relitigation of an election that’s now passed. This has to be an objective assessment about the facts that are going on right now,” Booker told CNN “State of the Union” guest host Dana Bash.

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SNIP: Booker may want to tell Maxine Waters to shut her crazy … Actually, never mind. She makes the lot of them look crazier by the minute.

18 Comments on Dem Cory Booker backpedals: ‘I’m not going to rush to impeachment’

  1. Ask yourself Who would be willing to take the risk of ordering the murder of a Federal Prosecutor who is Investigating crimes at the DNC?
    And what crimes would those likely be?

  2. The Dems, hoping to damage Trump, have whipped their remaining followers into an insane frenzy, promising Impeachment.

    Some of their lo-fo’s even believe that Impeachment would nullify the election and makes Hilary the President.

    Now they can’t deliver. I predict burnout for many, who will gradually drift away to other hobbies.

  3. Booker is a leftist turd and there is zero evidence of any wrong doing by the POTUS. The traitorous and criminal behavior of the Hildabeast, Holder, Lerner, and the FORMER POTUS is what will be investigated and prosecuted.

    Go to Hell Democrats, you vile, evil, nasty, baby killing, and sexual perversion supporting muslim atrocity apologists.

  4. At some point (maybe Booker is gifted?), the Left will have to — in some way, shape, or form — admit the tsunami wave fast approaching their shores. This DoJ has barely sharpened their pencils and stocked the legal pads. There will be those who will continue to deny the signs, either through ignorance or arrogance, just like those lost souls on the beach at Phuket back in ’04. The electoral earthquake already happened, the breaking waves of justice will be coming.

  5. Hey Cory whatever happened to T-Bone? Did he get rehabilitated with your help? Or did he just vanish? Or did he ever exist?
    Check out Corey Booker and T-Bone. LOL

  6. When Mueller was pulled in, the assignment should have been to Investigate any Russian connection AND Hillary’s emails/CGI AND Obama’s spying. ALL of it. Make it clear right from the beginning.

  7. Looks like a few Dems are starting to figure out that when you continually push for something you know will never happen, your supporters will blame and abandon you for not getting it done.

  8. Isn’t Booker supposedly an attorney?
    Surely he should realize a Republican House is unlikely to vote to impeach a Republican President without a crime of real substance. Or is he really that stupid that he doesn’t know this basic rule?

  9. When Cory Booker was mayor of Newark he once said in an interview, “I have no problem with legal gun ownership. We have never had a gun crime committed by a legal gun so I have no issues with legal gun ownership.” Shit Obama had him on the phone before he got back to his limo. I’d like to hold out hope for the guy. He needs to get off the plantation.

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